I spoke too soon when I said that all five Paragis were "upright." Zach has come down with the same bug his daddy had. He has been running a fever and achy all day. He spent most of the day, between Home Improvement episodes, doing this . . .

We have a new name for Lizzie. Princess Rat's Nest! Every night, she goes to sleep with brushed out dry hair.

Every morning, she wakes up with the biggest rat's nest I have ever seen. Check out this mess.

Thank goodness for detangler! Any suggestions on how to avoid this mess? We have tried putting hair in pony tails, curlers, etc.
We are praying Zach has a quick recovery. We are supposed to head to Indiana this weekend for a weekend full of friends, family and IU football!!!

We have a new name for Lizzie. Princess Rat's Nest! Every night, she goes to sleep with brushed out dry hair.

Every morning, she wakes up with the biggest rat's nest I have ever seen. Check out this mess.

Thank goodness for detangler! Any suggestions on how to avoid this mess? We have tried putting hair in pony tails, curlers, etc.
We are praying Zach has a quick recovery. We are supposed to head to Indiana this weekend for a weekend full of friends, family and IU football!!!
Have you tried to braid her hair. I don't know if it will help but you could try to seperate and braid in two halfs. I was also told that using a silk pillow case helps keep the rats out. Hope this helps.
I hope the flu leaves soon it's a little early to already have the nasty bug.
Hey, I left you a message on my blog. Don't forget to check it out. Hope everyone is feeling better and that you were able to go to Indiana.
I actually own a hair salon and there is a brand name MOP that has a spray in detagler. There is also shampoo and conditioner by Purology. It is a little pricey but after you shampoo and cond. your hair, you can run your fingers through your hair. Hope that helps.
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