Sunday, September 15, 2013

9-11 Baby?

When Brian and I arrived at the hospital on July 5th, 2002 a nurse met us and said, "Oh a 9-11 baby, huh?"  I was confused and it must have shown on my face.  She went on to explain that there had been a baby boom nine months after the terrible acts of 9/11 occurred.  I had read articles that talked about this exact thing, but hadn't put much thought to it.  The nurse went on to say that they had seen a spike in births at our local hospitals as well.  I assured her that Jacob was NOT a 9/11 baby.  But then I wondered. . .

Why did we finally decide to have another child?  After all, Zach was already four.  He had a major heart defect at birth.  Why press our luck with another child?  Did we really want to start over?  Yes, we did.  I can't tell you why.  But maybe it DID have something to do with 9/11.  Maybe we didn't want Zach to go through those kinds of atrocities in the future without a sibling, Lord willing.   Maybe we realized that in this crazy, sick world, family is important and if the Lord allowed, we would add to ours.

While I am not completely sure what tipped the scales for us, I vividly remember that day in September, 2001.  At the time, I was doing home daycare.  It was a late start kind of day and I was slowly getting ready while listening to the radio.  When I think of the announcers voice as he broke in and announced that a plane had just hit the Twin Towers,  the hair on my neck still stands on end.  I hightailed it to the living room and turned on the news.  I could not believe what I was seeing.  I called Brian and told him to turn the TV's on at work.  Then I called my dad.  My dad is a news junkie.  I just needed to talk to someone who was watching and could help me process this crazy event.  For some odd reason, my dad had not turned on the news or radio that morning.  When I told him what happened, he thought it was some kind of sick joke.  Then he turned on the TV and saw it for himself.

Within minutes and short hours, the news got progressively worse.  I tried to go on with my day.  I turned off the TV so the day care children wouldn't see it.  I packed them up and took them to story time at the library.  I am not sure I heard one word of the story that day.  My mind was racing.

That evening, after my day care children had left, Brian, Zach and I attended a prayer vigil at a local church where we also watched President Bush address the nation.  At bedtime, I couldn't put Zach to bed in his own bed.  I wanted us all together.  I made a bed for him on the floor in our room.  I put it close to the bed so I could reach over and just touch him.  I did that several times that night.  My mind was racing and I could not sleep.  Brian kept getting out of bed and heading to the office.  He was continuously checking the news to see if anything else had happened.  That night was one of constant anxiety.

I am not sure when that anxiety disappeared.  Quite frankly, I am not sure it ever did completely.  Even today, I don't believe that I feel as safe and as at peace as I did prior to 9/11.

If I were to see that nurse today (which I might since she lives in our hometown), I would have to change that "NOT a 9/11 baby" to "MAYBE a 9/11 baby."

To bring some levity to this post, we all got a good giggle when Jacob was born and weighed 9 lbs and 11 oz.  Yep, he WAS a 9'11" baby!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Down Time

We enjoyed a little down time during our trip too.  

Have to find some time for some Minecraft.

Dad tried teaching Lizzie the two step with no luck

Playing a game with Grandpa on the iPad

We also played Rack-O.  It is a game that my Grandma Ellis played all the time.  The kids enjoyed it.  Jake enjoyed winning.  Lizzie?  She just enjoyed doing the opposite of what dad suggest she do!

Conner Turns One

We celebrated my nephew, Conner's, birthday while we were in Indiana.  I forgot how fun, yet disgusting,  it is to watch a little one dig into the cake!

HEY!  Is that for ME?

He wasn't sure at first. 

Then he took a few little licks of the icing. 

 Finally, he decided he would just dive face first into the sugary goodness!


We had the honor of being a part of my brother's wedding day.  It was a beautiful wedding.  I don't have many pictures on my camera but here are a few of what I did get.

Brian and my step-mom. Karen.  Love this picture

The bride with her Jr. Bridesmaids

All the girls post hair but pre dress!

Ivy and Brycen

Jacob keeps saying that he did NOT dance.  I have proof otherwise!!

Jacob was not overly thrilled to be wearing a tux.  But he looked so cute.

My neice, Kaitlyn, sat perfectly still and silent when she was getting her hair curled.

Side view of Lizzie's hair.
 My niece, Kelsey, did NOT like hair spray.  She would smile until they sprayed and she gave this look. . . 

Zach helps my nephew, Brycen with  his tux.


Our town hosts a music festival every August.  This year, the Christian band, Big Daddy Weave played.  It was a great concert.  But you can't go to a festival without riding some carnival rides.  Correct?

Lizzie enjoyed the Scrambles.  Look at their hair flying.  I almost threw up just watching them whip around.

Jake was with friends and apparently he rode this ride several time.  Round and round and round it goes - and then it goes upside down!

He learned that if you ride that ride several times on an extremely hot day on an empty stomach, you will end up looking like this. . .

Fall Sports Kick-Off

Zach started his 2013 golf season with an injury.  Poor kid has had so many injuries.  This time last year, he was having hernia surgery.  At the end of summer, he strained his rotator cuff.  After PT with an incredible therapist, he was feeling well enough to try out for golf.  After the first day, he slammed his finger in his locker and when he went to pull it out, he shut the door on it even further.  So, we ended up once again at Sports Med and received the diagnosis of a Boxer's Fracture.  I assumed that they would just buddy tape it.  Nope, they had the choice of a cast or a splint.  After much promising of not taking it off (he lied) we went with the splint.  He now has the cast off and is ready to qualify for some meets!

Even in his splint, he had a smile on his face at the Fall Sports Kick-Off when they totally butchered his name!

School Days

They say that all good things must come to an end.  So, summer 2013 is in the books and the 2013-2014 school year rolls around.

I was very nervous about this year.  Jake moved to a new building.  He is in 6th grade and in the Junior High.  Lizzie also moved to a new building.  She is in 3rd grade and moved to the 3rd - 5th grade building.  As a sophomore, Zach is an old pro at the High School.

We could not have asked for a better start to the school year.  Everyone is doing well and enjoying school.  That includes me as well!

First Day of School - August 21st, 2013

Zach - Sophomore
Jake - 6th Grade
Lizzie - 3rd Grade

Our traditional "Back To School" cake.  Lizzie picked out the theme this year.
"Floating Into School"

Monical's Pizza was a unanimous vote for our back to school dinner!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vacation Bible School: Kingdom Rock

We had a great week of Vacation Bible School!  Lizzie enjoyed attending and inviting her friends.  Jacob was too old to attend so he helped this year.  He enjoyed helping during story time and in the beginning and ending sessions.

The last night was full of all kinds of fun and surprises.

Jacob took a pie to the face since the kids met their attendance goal as well as their missions goal.

Jacob says. . . bring it on!

He did not mind the sticky mess at all!

 Chocolate Whipped Cream. . . he was in heaven!

 To start the final evening, we took the kids outside and had them look up.  They were amazed when they saw somebody jump out of a plane.   

At this point, he could hear them cheering!  They were cheering loud for him.  They still had no idea who it was or what he was bringing them.

He did an awesome "stunt" landing.  No soft landings for this guy. . . he runs when he lands!

When the kids realized it was Johnny, one of the PreK leaders, many were shocked!  He brought them bracelets that said, "Watch for God."

Jacob and Tiana help lead music the final night.

It was truly a blessed week.  I heard kids asking questions about God and Jesus.  They wanted to know more.  Awesome!!!!  I truly believe that God had His hand on the entire week.  We were blessed for being a part of it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

U of I Junior Open

Zach played in the U of I Junior Open today.  He did very well.  He shot an 82.  The winner shot an 80.  Of course, Zach was disappointed in himself because his putting "stunk" and he should have won. However, he was excited about bringing home second place.

Love this picture of him.  Can't believe how blue his eyes look in this blue shirt!

He has two more tournaments next week.  Good luck, Zach!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Michigan 2013

We traveled to  Manistee, Michigan for a family vacation again this year.   However, this year brought some changes.  My sister, Kelly, was able to travel with us as were her youngest, Kacey and my nephew, Conner.  That brought the total up to FIVE adults and EIGHT kids.  It was a lot of activity and a lot of memory making.

We rented a cabin at the campground.  My sister and her three children stayed there with Brian, me and our kids.  My mom, Jim and two nephews stayed in the camper.

Things I learned in Michigan - 

When at the beach, the best place to hide a pop tart from a baby is in an adult's shoe.
Lizzie does not like having a dead fish as a hair accessory.
If your pork chops gets in your taters then you can't eat them because they will smell like taters.
If the pork chop gets in ketchup, you can't eat it because it will taste like hot dog ketchup.
Maquitos bite and hurt.
Wait, not Maquitos, they are Basquitos!!

I took a lot of pictures - over 400 - and it was hard to pick just a couple to post here.  So, while there are definitely not 400 in this post, there are several.  

Lizzie and Kelsey enjoyed playing in the sand while Katie got just to the edge of the waves.

My mom, Jim and kiddos on the pier.

Going on a boat ride

Jacob is imparting his wisdom upon his daddy.

Katie and Brycen.  I think they were picking up dead fish and putting them in the bucket in this picture.

Our cabin

Zach enjoyed stepping out of the cabin and fishing

The crew at the beach.  Of course, Jacob is in the water.

Typical "Whatever" face from Jacob.

Jumping off the pier into the sand was fun.  I was a little worried that we had started a bad habit and one of them would try it farther down the pier.  But no one took the plunge into the lake!

Katie at the beach

 Katie and Brycen waited patiently on the dock for Zach to catch a fish.  They told him that if he caught one, they would kiss it!

Katie with her glasses, fishin' stick and lollipop.

 If this isn't a little Kelly, then I don't know what is!

Aunt Kelly jumps with them.

Kelly and girls

Kelsey checks out the beach

Miss Kacey.  She already smiles big when she sees a camera.

Zach and Kelsey hanging out waiting for their turn for a boat ride.

Kelsey did NOT want a cone OR a spoon.  She licked it from the cup!

My kids.

Jacob is already out there somewhere.  Lizzie is in.  Katie is getting closer and Zach has two Brycen and Kelsey.

 Lizzie running to the water.

Lizzie and Conner.  She tried to have a kid on her hip at all times.

Love this picture of Lizzie feeding Conner.  Look closely and you will see that her mouth is open!

 Lizzie gets some air.

I took them down to the ramp on the river and let them get soaked.  They had a great time.  They were very wet and messy. . . but happy!

 Poor Sadie was exhausted.  

 So was Brycen

 Jacob sees water and RUNS!

 Brycen got in trouble for being on the dock with an adult.  He told Jim, "I'm not your buddy anymore."  Then he told mom, "I am not your baby anymore."  Finally he crawled up with Jacob and cuddled.  I think he was hoping Jacob wasn't going to lecture him too!  

Zach and Conner on the pier

Watching Zach fish

My family watching a movie one evening.

WRESTLING with cousins. 

Miss Kacey.  We found the perfect way to keep her happy - just keep feeding her!

 It was brrrrrr. . . cold water.  But Zach finally took the plunge.

Lots of memories were made and the kids are already talking about next year.