Friday, April 30, 2010

It's all about Perspective: My Friday Night Musings

I was outside tonight taking some pictures. Lizzie asks me to take a picture of the "beautiful yellow flower." I look and all I see if a nasty dandelion - a weed! When we walk through a field, she steps around all the dandelions so that she doesn't crush the pretty flowers. Then it made me think that if I approached more of life with a childlike vision I would be a lot happier. Life would be full of beautiful yellow and white flowers and maybe I wouldn't focus on the weeds of life so much. Wonder if that is why Jesus calls us to change and be like little children in Matthew 18? So, tomorrow when Brian is at work, I just might hide all the Round-Up so we can have more beautiful flowers - until the neighbors complain at least! :>

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Now THAT is a snack!!

Sunday nights are snack nights at our house. We usually eat fruit, veggies, dip, crackers, cheese and a little popcorn. And then we all fight (oops, I mean vote) about what family movie to watch.

Tonight, though, the guys forgot about the "good for you" fruit and veggies and went straight for banana splits! The boys were amazed that we were letting them do it. It was so much fun!

Yummy banana splits!!

Poor Lizzie

Lizzie had the stomach flu last week. She was miserable. The only good thing about that is that she was a cuddle bug. We had a lot of cuddle time. As she felt better, but wasn't quite ready to head back to day care, we had some fun painting nails and reading the paper with daddy!

Everyone of the nails is a different color!
Orange and green glittery nails!
Reading the Journal with her daddy after helping fold towels (the ones right behind her head :>)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Music Machine

Part of the Kingdom's Kids Choir sang at church on Sunday. They sang the song Music Machine. All week, Jacob was belting it out, dancing and smiling. He got on stage, and he was a nervous wreck. He is in the front row on the left. Watch his hands twirling that Kazoo the entire time.


This morning, I ran to school to make sub plans. Brian sent Jake back to get dressed. He picked out his own clothes! So what did he wear? DIRTY CLOTHES!!

Check out the massive grass stain on the knee. That was there when he WENT to school. I about died when I found that out!

Zach's cast is finally gone and he has moved on to a brace.

He may be smiling in this pic but he is still very frustrated that he can't do everything he wants!

Lizzie likes helping her daddy pull the car into the garage.

Here she is yelling at me to MOVE because she thought they were going to run over me.
And finally, some more beautiful blooming spring trees.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Will They Grow?

About this time last year, my backyard looked like this. And this was just the BEGINNING of the mess. We moved our lilac bushes. We ran over our hostas with the bobcat. We dug up flowers and trees that I thought would never live. I wondered if we would ever have grass again.
That was last year.

This is now. We have grass in half the back yard and the other side is starting to grow a little.
Lizzie HAD to stop and make sure she got in the picture. What a little diva.
Believe it or not, my lilacs lived after being moved twice!
My hostas popped back up after being run over, chewed up and eaten by the bobcat.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Who's Up There?!?

I went out to get the dog today when I heard a voice coming from the huge pine tree in our front yard. Since it wasn't on fire like the burning bush, I figured it wasn't God speaking to me. I looked and couldn't see anyone. And then I looked up. Wwwaaaaayyyy up. And who is there? Now I know you are probably going to say Jake. But, nope! It was Zach. With a cast already on his hand he was up HIGH and enjoying it. I didn't realize he was such a daredevil.

A picture of the tree from this winter so you can see how tall it is.
Zach in the tree today. He was a little above the power line and that was far enough as far as i was concerned.


Ahhh. . . the beauty of spring. I love it.

Movie Night

Every once in a while we have a Paragi Movie Camp Out. We move the coffee table, drag out a bunch of blankets and pillows and eat snacks while we watch a movie. This is something we started when Zach was young and we still like to do it. We just don't do it enough anymore. Sometimes it is hard to pick a movie that everyone wants to watch. This week everyone agreed on the Squekuel.

I was having a hot flash of sorts but apparently everybody else was cold!!
This girl drives me nuts! I told her NOT to do this because she would choke!!
Mom. . .PLEASE turn down the fan!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Loving the Weather

Tonight was the perfect April night. We had a great time outside. The boys were playing with the neighborhood kids. Brian mowed. Lizzie "helped" and then she and I took Sadie on a walk. Great evening.

I love the clouds in this picture.

Ahhhh. . . spring. Trees are starting to come back to life. What a beautiful sight.
This is Lizzie's idea of mowing!
Brian didn't have anything to ride on so he had to settle for pushing.
Farming the yard.
Beautiful Spring colors

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a nice Easter weekend. Brian's mom and dad came to visit and we joined some dear friends for their family Easter egg hunt. Our church service was incredible.

Flowers in bloom on Easter Sunday.
The kids with Brian's mom and dad
Brian, his parents and the kids
Lizzie found an egg at the Easter egg hunt.
We joined our friends in White Heath.
Brian and Zach - neither one is very happy that I took this!
A great day to celebrate the Risen Lord!