Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Quick Update

Things are pretty status quo around here right now.  Lizzie is still running a fever that sometimes spikes up over 103.  They are going to culture some of her lab work from Tuesday to see if any bacteria grows.  Her lungs were clear and so far her blood work is all ok.

So, either he has some sort of urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection OR it is just a nasty virus.  We will find out about the cultures on Friday.

She gets so tired, that she just falls asleep where ever she is.  Here, she fell asleep while watching Dora for the 100th time today!  

Jacob was chilling out tonight with his new stuffed dog.  They were watching Finding Nemo and I couldn't resist snapping a quick picture!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lizzie Update

Lizzie is still not feeling well.  After running temps over 104 since Saturday, we went to the doctor yesterday.  They thought her mouth and throat looked like strep, but the rapid came back negative.  They took another swab and sent it in to be cultured.  In the meantime, they started her on a Z-pack.  When her fever comes down, she is animated and fun.  But then, as the tylenol or motrin wears off, she becomes lethargic and pitiful again!  Poor baby girl.  I stayed home yesterday and today.  Brian is on for the rest of the week.  Gotta run, my poor thing is crying for me!!  We would appreciate prayers for Lizzie and - oh yea - sleep for us all!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beautiful but Windy

Saturday was gorgeous day here in central Illinois!!  The only problem was that it was WINDY!  How windy was it?  Check out Sadie's ear!  

Every time she would perk up to hear something, the wind would catch her ear.  It was pretty funny!

The only way she could get comfortable was sitting up in the chair!

The wind has returned today, but so have the wonderful temps!  So, I am hoping and praying that Lizzie's bug was a quick 24 hour thing and she can enjoy the outside before the rain settles in for the week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If you know Jacob, you know that he is, well, ummm, JACOB!  He loves life, and is always cracking one liners -even when he is not meaning to be funny!  Here are just a few of the most recent ones:

Me:  Jacob it is time to turn off the computer and stuff and have imagination time.

Jacob:  Well, woman. . . there is the problem. I don't have any imagination!

This is from a kid who lines up all his Star Wars guys and will battle for hours!!!!  

Jacob:  Wait a minute, who is going to school today?

Me:  Just you.  I am staying home with Lizzie and Zach.  They are sick.

Jacob:  Oh man!!!  That REEKS!!!!!!!!!

This is from the kid who has actually prayed that he will be sick so he can miss school!

Jacob - you just gotta love him!  Everyone should have a Jacob in their life!!!  They say laughter adds time to your life and with Jacob around, I am definitely adding minutes to my lifespan!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


On Saturday, I took the kids fishing at a friend's house.  We didn't catch any fish, but we had fun eating a McDonald's picnic, playing with friends, and trying oh so hard to catch a fish or two.

Lizzie took a minute to pose for the camera.
Zach waited and waited, but none of those bites turned into catches!!
Jacob got tired of waiting for a fish to bite so he and his buddy took up light saber wars.
Jacob and his friends wait patiently for a fish to bite.

Get Up!

Jacob had his 1st Grade Musical Program on Thursday evening.  It was called Get Up.  We had a good time watching him and he seemed to enjoy himself.

Showing off the Sangamon sign.
Jacob (in the dark green) actually sang!
Doing a square dance.
Greeting his "partner" during a dance.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Sun Finally Shines!!

The sun finally decided to shine this afternoon!  That phenomenon made for one happy momma and three happy kids!

Lizzie learned how to ride her bike today!

Zach was hitting grounders for Jacob to field.
Tossing it back to Zach.
All that excitement makes for one tired puppy!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend full of family, friends, and fun.

Having no school Friday meant Jacob could spend hours  cuddling and wrestling with Sadie!

Lizzie is loving the tricycle!  
Practicing chipping.
Coloring Easter eggs!
Zach and Karen spent several hours putting together this IU puzzle!
Easter morning 2009.
Grandma and Grandpa Paragi with the kids Easter morning.
Finding eggs at the Dyson's house.
Lizzie reaches high.
 What a way to celebrate the risen Lord - by enjoying the relationships He has blessed us with!

Snow in April

We woke up on April 6th to SNOW!!!  I love winter and I usually enjoy snow.  However, I am ready for the snow to make its exit and the spring weather to come our way!!!!

Crying Out

I have been pretty quiet and introspective this week.  Eleven years ago tonight, I called out to Jesus in a way I had never done before.  Zach continued to lay in the hospital bed and I had yet to hold him (he was born March 26th).  His heart had been repaired but his lungs were damaged due to all the  oxygen they pumped in his little body to keep him alive.  

I sat in our bed and thoughts swirled in my brain:  Would he ever breath on his own?  Had I bonded with this child only to have God take him at such an early age?  What was wrong with me?  Why couldn't I do this?  I was a mom. . I should have been strong and able to handle it all.  Why, why why?!?  What now?!?

Then, as quickly as the thoughts started, they ceased.   I knew it - I would NEVER be strong enough to do this.  It was NOT MINE to do anything with.  It was His!  I began praying like I had never prayed before.  It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, but I had an unexplainable urge to turn it ALL over to God and that included Zach.  So, I didn't make deals with God (if he gets better, I promise I will never swear again) and I didn't beg (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me) and I didn't question (WHY?).   I just told Him that I could not do it.  The situation and Zach were all His.  His will be done.  I actually prayed that if God wanted him, that was ok.  He could have him as long as it was in His will.  I released it all.  And then what happened?

I cried and fell into a peaceful slumber.  The next morning I awoke with a feeling of comfort and peace.  As we entered the hospital that day, I actually felt ready to tackle the day and all it held.  Approaching Zach's room, his nurse met us and asked us to sit down.  She had some news.  I immediately thought, "Oh no. . .God took me up on it.  He took him home."  But then she said some beautiful words, "You get to hold your little boy today!"  Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks as I heard the words that his lungs looked great that morning!

Now why am I so quiet and introspective eleven years later?  Well, I am still in awe of how God used that time to really teach me a lesson - it is not about me!  And I am ashamed at how quickly I forget that lesson and try to solve problems and run my life myself.  

Ok, I know it is past time for New Year's Resolutions, but I am making a "Zach's Birthday Resolution" -  to quit making it all about me and to focus on it being all about Him.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break 2009 Part 2

Here are a few more random shots from Spring Break in southern Indiana.

Sadie got spayed over spring break and Zach spent all afternoon outside holding her and making sure she was ok.
Lizzie loves her bubble baths!
That stinkin' cute toothless grin again!
Aunt Kelly and Kaitlyn are always fun to be around!
Lizzie and Kaitlyn hanging out on the porch swing.
Lizzie started to not feel well over break.  She ended up with a double ear infection!  But, Sadie, took care of her.

Spring Break 2009

The kids and I went to Indiana for  spring break.  Brian was busy at work and couldn't make the trip with us.  Then on Wednesday, the kids stayed with Mamaw and Papaw and I headed back to Illinois for some alone time with Brian.  He and I headed to Chicago for a quick get away while the kids were having fun getting spoiled!  

Celebrating Zach's birthday with some bowling.
Zach hanging out with Sadie.
We enjoyed spending time with Mamaw Wellman.
The kids got to meet their new cousin, Brycen.  

Jacob loves taking BIG bubble baths and washing away the bubbles afterwards.
We had a GREAT Spring Break!

All I Want for Easter Is. . .

my two front teeth!  Wrong holiday, correct sentiment for Jacob.  Over spring break, Jacob lost his other front tooth.  Well, he didn't actually lose it . . . he SWALLOWED it!!!  It was pretty funny to see his expression when he realized he had swallowed his tooth right along with his pizza and breadsticks!  And no, we did not "recover" the tooth.  The tooth fairy took our word for it and brought him money anyway!  

I absolutely love those toothless grins!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our Newest Addition, Sadie

One of the most exciting things that has happened to us lately, is the addition of Sadie the puppy to our family.  She is a 5 month old rat terrier mix.  The kids adore her and she loves them!  Brian?  Well, he does not care for any dogs let alone one who lives here.  But, I am hoping that she grows on him!  The fact that she hasn't had any accidents in the house helps!

Isn't she cute?
What is with all the pictures?

Jacob loves to "wrestle" with Sadie.  And Sadie loves to lick him until he is laughing so hard he can't talk!
She also loves to cuddle with Zach on the couch and watch him play his PSP.

Happy 11th Birthday!!!

On March 26th, Zach turned 11.  That is still hard for us to believe.  He is such a blessing to us and on his birthday we often revisit the events of his birth.  Looking at him now you would never know he almost died at birth and had to have open heart surgery at the ripe old age of 12 hours, huh?

Enjoying his birthday present from us - a new phone complete with lots of rules from mom & dad!

Blowing out the candles on his cookie cake!

Happy 11th Zach!!!

Shooting Baskets

Basketball season may be over, but that doesn't stop Zach from constantly dribbling and shooting the basketball!  He can even talk his daddy into a quick game of horse before dinner on a regular basis.  A lot of the time, like in these pictures, Brian doesn't even have time to change his clothes before getting hit up for a game!  

Recycled Art

Jacob had an assignment of making a frog out of recycled materials found around the house.  He also wrote a book about frogs.  Then, his class had a celebration when parents could come in and visit.  We were able to see the animals and also hear the students read their books.  It was fun to watch Jacob come up with ideas and actually make the frog!

Here is Jacob with his "aluminum foil" frog!