Friday, May 31, 2013

Gardening Update

Check out this salad Lizzie made and ate (yes, the ENTIRE thing)!  That is lettuce from our garden.

Now, we are fighting with the rabbits. I apologize in advance to any bunny lovers out there, however, we are hoping Sadie gets a few soon!  She loves the chase and kill.  And now that they have been gnoshing on my brussel sprouts and other veggies - I want them gone!  I may just have get the pellet gun out and go all "Elmer Fudd" on them!  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

An Evening at the Playground

Tonight was a beautiful night.  I took Jake, Lizzie and a friend to the playground at school.  They had a great time.  Jake helped me keep track of the kids and they enjoyed chasing him around.  

We actually took a picnic dinner, but everyone was too busy playing to eat.  To top the evening off, all the kids were amazed that I could swing as I high as I did!  

We took a little break for some pictures in the tree

Lizzie got stuck in the middle. . . she was pumping those legs hard, but she just couldn't make it!

New Bike

Lizzie outgrew her bike and it was time for a new one.  In actuality, she probably outgrew it in the fall and we just pushed it this far.

Saturday, she and I went "bike shopping."  We found the perfect bike and she is loving it.  At first, she was a little concerned because it is much bigger than her old bike.  However, she has done great on it and has not had any problems.


I am so excited. . . I harvested radishes from the garden tonight.  I LOVE radishes and, as I have said before, am super excited about having a garden!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Relay For Life 2013

Saturday evening, Mahomet hosted a Mini Relay for Life.  The event lasted from 6 pm until midnight. 

 The first lap of the night is the Survivor Lap.  Those who are currently fighting or have fought this awful disease walk.  I cry every time I witness a Survivor Lap.  In that group I see co-workers, neighbors, friends and many more.  The next lap is the caregiver lap.  Anyone who has cared for someone as they battled cancer is encouraged to walk.  Again, tears stream as I watch this group pass.  Some have lost those they cared for.  Others are walking with the one they cared for.   

 A friend makes a luminaria in memory of her dad.   I left before they were lit, but have heard it was a beautiful ceremony.  Someone played bagpipes and everyone walked a lap as they were lit.  

Lizzie and her friend, M.  I think this is their third Relay together!

All "Freshman Advisories" were encouraged to have teams.  It was a great way to get the students involved.  Zach and his friend, C, would NOT let me take their picture.  They would either look away and smile or look at me and scowl!  

Zach said the lighting of the luminarias and the bagpipe lap was pretty powerful.  It is good for these students to see and get involved in an event like this.  Many of the students have family members who are fighting cancer currently or have in the past.  Some have lost parents to the disease.  

Relay for Life used to be something I just "did."  But as I get older, I realize just how many people I know have been diagnosed with this disease - my grandpa, friends, co-workers, other family members, friend's family members, the list goes on and on.  I am no longer naive enough to believe that this is someone else's disease.  This disease touches everyone in some way.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grown?

I am super geek excited about our garden this year.  We are planting more than we did last year.  Last year was our first foray into the gardening world.  This year, we are planting more things.  The cool thing?  They are coming up!  They are growing!!

Random picture of Jacob playing baseball in the rain!


Romaine Lettuce!

Brussel Sprouts!!!

Driving Update

Zach has been driving for almost a month now.  He is doing well.  He drives me around Mahomet.  That is as far as he has gone with me.  Brian let him drive in Champaign and home on 150 several times.  He says he is ready for the interstate.  Just the thought of that causes my hair to gray!  Luckily for me, Zach does not want me to ride with him for his first interstate trip!  I gladly hand that job over to Brian!

As I said, I will leave the interstate training to Brian:

We have actually had a conversation eerily similar to the following one.  Believe it or not, I sometimes have to say GO instead of STOP!   Followed quickly by, "Slow down!"

Thus far, Zach's absolute biggest frustration with driving - tailgaters!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lessons Taught. . .Lessons Learned

Parenting is not easy.  I think one of the hardest parts is when I look at my child and want so badly for them to learn from my lessons.  To not make the same mistakes I did.  Unfortunately, like most of us, my kids have to experience things for themselves before they see the information as valid.

I believe, however, that this past week we had a  breakthrough.  Zach has participated in activities with our church's youth group the last several years.  This year, we signed him up and we were ready to roll.  Zach went right along with the process.

One day last week, he told us he didn't really want to go.  I asked why and he kind of stuttered around. Finally, he said, "I will go.  I will just feel guilty.  I don't really have a good reason not to go."  I slammed on my inner brake  and called a "mom/dad/Zach" meeting.

Hearing him say those words impacted me because, last fall I tried to MAKE Zach try out for basketball.  I was determined he would do it.  If he couldn't give me a good reason why, then by golly he was going to try out!  Only at the last minute did I acquiesce.  I made a HUGE mistake pushing him.  I see that now.  He was devastated and felt he had disappointed me.  He felt as though he let me down.  He felt guilty.  I was basically telling him that he did not have a say over the extra curricular things in his life.   He did not feel that he could come to me.  It took some time to work through that.  I knew that this time we needed to communicate.

 We talked and realized that we had all assumed that this trip is something he would do.  We had never asked him if he wanted to go.  He had never really thought about it.  We all just assumed it was something he "did."  Once we got to that point, we discussed options.  He could go.  The pros and cons of going.  He could stay home.  The pros and cons of staying home.  He decided not to go.

However, he kept trying to make excuses - "I have basketball."  "My schedule is way to busy."  Etc.
 I was cringing.  I am a people pleaser.  I feel as though I always have to justify my decisions.  That is something I am working on.  I didn't like seeing him do the same thing.

I told him he did not have to justify his reasons.   It is ok to say, "I don't want to go."  I explained that our guilt often comes from the stretches of truth we create when trying to justify our decisions.

This week was a lesson for both us.  I had to admit - yet again - that I regretted trying to force him to try out for basketball.  I had to let go and let him make a decision.  I had to admit that I am a people pleaser and that I do things out of compulsion or guilt.  I felt empowered telling him he could say no.  I think he felt a little empowered as well.  How is he doing with that justifying thing?  Well, he is working on it and so am I.  We can work on it together.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


The kids performed for local  Bible bowl teams today.  They provided part of the devotion.  Jacob had to step up and do a different part.  I was very proud of them all!