Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Basement Digging

There is a hole in my house

Monday, June 29, 2009

Blessings in the Storm

So, this medical stuff has really been causing problems lately. Imagine half your body is asleep but the tingling that comes and ensures you that it is waking up never arrives. That is where I am at. But, I have been blessed beyond measure through this time:

Meals have been provided
I have had friends do laundry, clean kitchens and closets.
People have taken me grocery shopping
Countless people have watched the kids
Hundreds are praying for me
The phone calls just to check on me
Even more have volunteered to help
Help getting ready for upcoming birthdays
Those who have listened to me cry and mourn the loss of the summer thus far

I have an incredible network of support from church and school. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

But, I can not forget my hubby. He has been a rock for me - praying when I can't find the words, loving me at my worst and helping around the house.

I am blessed, and thank God for each of you!!!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Our good friends, the Dysons, moved back to the area and we were happy to see them. We did a little swimming with them at their hotel while they were in transition.

T. enjoys the water.
Lizzie likes swimming, but is not very brave around it.
Lizzie and N. chow down on pizza after a few hours of swimming.
We are enjoying our time together now and looking forward to many more times together! We love these guys!


I haven't posted much lately because I have been sick. The right side of my body is numb so it is hard to type much. I go in for a thoracic spine MRI on Wednesday. The brain and cervical spine MRI were clear. Some days are good, others bad. Will update you when we get some answers!

Remodeling in Process

Finished pics to come later!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Wow, Lizzie has been a bratzilla lately!  Don't know what is up with that!  Here are but a few examples:

Lizzie:  I'm getting on Jacob's bed (which happens to be the top bunk).
Me:  No, you have to be at least 6 to be up there.  
Lizzie:  Yes I am (as she looks at me and starts walking down the hall)
Me:  Lizzie, I am serious.  You can not get up there.  You may fall and hurt yourself.
Lizzie:  I'm doing it!!!!!  (As she runs down the hall)

Me:  Lizzie what is wrong with you?  (as she lays in the hall kicking and screaming something incoherently)
Lizzie:  I am mad!!!
Me:  What's wrong?
Lizzie:  My eyes will not water when I cry!
Me: That's because you are not really crying, just throwing a fit!
Lizzie:  I AM CRYING !!!!!!  (Kicking and stomping inserted here!)
Me:  If you don't stop that, I will make your eyes water!!!!!

Lizzie:  OWWWWW. . . Jacob that hurt!
Me:  What happened? (Thinking Jacob hurt her)
Lizzie:  I jumped off the couch and it hurt when I landed!
Me:  Speechless because I didn't think a three year old would understand - Here's your sign!!!

And for all of you who just can't imagine Lizzie crying or throwing a fit:

I love this little diva!  I think she is just testing the waters and trying to see if the rules still apply during summer break.  She is finding out that yes, indeed, they do!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Several from the Orleans Class of 1989 attended the Alumni Banquet on Saturday night.  Then, we headed to a classmate's house for some more time of visiting.  I had fun reconnecting with some people that I had not seen in many many years.

On Sunday, the class was invited to bring their family and go bowling for some more time of visiting.  My kids love to go bowling, so they had a great time!

Jacob launches the ball and hopes it hits a few pins at least!

Zach helped Lizzie "roll" her ball.
At 11, Zach has better form than I do.

Farmer's Market

On Saturday morning, Zach went golfing with his grandpa and two of his uncles.  They played in a scramble to raise money for the Orleans Athletic Department.  When they got home, Zach said his back hurt from carrying those guys all day.  What a card!  They did play his ball several times though!

Me, my mom, and Brian took the rest of the kids and walked to the Farmer's Market.  We also spent some time at the playground.  It was a great morning.

I gave the kids some yummy chocolate chip cookies from the Farmer's Market.  Kaitlyn loved hers!  

Jacob loved the merry-go-round!

Lizzie would swing for hours if you let her.
Mom and Brycen.
Brian took the kids on a buggy ride.  While riding, he found out that the guy driving the buggy is related to me.  
If you look very closely, you will see the lady in the front seat is holding a baby possum!!!  She rescues them!!!

Trip to Indiana

We traveled to southern Indiana this weekend to visit family and attend my 20th class reunion. We arrived Friday afternoon and hung out with my family.  The kids had a great time visiting with their cousins. 

My niece, Kaitlyn, loved Lizzie's sidewalk chalk.
Lizzie will spend hours doing this!
Jacob says, "Yea, it is fun to be here!"
My nephew, Brycen, is growing so fast.