Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Twenty Years!

Twenty years ago this evening, I walked down the aisle and said "I Do."  

Seriously?  It has been twenty years?  I am amazed when I think about it.  Hearing the number twenty makes it seem like "forever" ago.  But, it seems like just yesterday that I was standing there staring at Brian for what seemed like an eternity as "Everything I Do" was being sung.  Yes, we had that song at our wedding!  And yes, we stood there holding hands looking at each other lovingly through the ENTIRE song.  And yes, we quickly found out that the song was way too long to look longingly into each other's eyes without laughing!  And yes, we did giggle!

If you would have asked me that evening what I thought we would be doing in twenty years, I am not sure what I would have said.   I know that the last twenty years have been quite a ride.  Some moments were pure enjoyment and exhilaration - birth of our children, first jobs, promotions, buying houses.  Some of those moments were pure terror - Zach's surgery, my MS diagnosis.

  Did those type of things even enter my mind that evening?  Sure, all the exhilarating moments.  The terror moments?  Nope!  Never even crossed my mind.  So, if I had scripted our last twenty years, it would have looked different.  

I am glad I am not in charge of scripting!  While I do not believe God caused those terror moments to happen in our lives, I do believe He used them to grow us and our relationship.  All aspects of this wild ride have made us what we are today.  On most days, that is a good thing!  :)

I can tell you that I do not love Brian like I did that evening 20 years ago.  I love him more and differently.  Oh, I do still get that giddy college girl feeling when he gives me a kiss goodnight or a big hug.  It is just that my love goes deeper than that now.  I truly don't have the words to convey my thoughts or feelings about the depth of the love.  

I know that our future and this roller coaster that we call marriage will continue to hold moments of exhilaration and moments of terror.  I do not know what those moments will look like.  However, I know who I want to be holding ME through those moments.  The man I walked down the aisle with 20 years ago!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Last night, I took my shot and settled in for the night.  Unfortunately, I was lucky enough to be blessed with the side effect of insomnia.  I grabbed a short sweet Christmas book and set off reading.  As I approached the end, I couldn't stop the tears.   You need to know that when I read, I become emotionally engaged in what I am reading.  It is as though the people become real.  I was so happy for the characters at the end of the book.  The book had the typical "happy Christmas story" ending.

But then, the tears wouldn't stop.  My mind drifted to Connecticut.  Since Friday, like many of you, I have been listening and reading about the tragedy.  I think I had emotionally separated myself from the realization of what it truly meant.  I, like many, "intellectualized" the events.  But last night, it all came flooding out.

I cried for those who won't have the happy Christmas ending like the characters in the book.  I cried for all those parents who have purchased gifts, but won't be able to share them.  I cried for family members who will stare at stockings of children who are no longer there.  I cried for the teachers who protected their students.  I cried for the first responders who had to witness such a gruesome scene.  I cried for those kids who closed their eyes and were lead out of the building.  On and on it went.  My mind jumped from one scenario to another and I truly sobbed.

I wanted to see my babies.  I went down stairs and checked on Zach.  It was midnight and he was still up trying to get caught up on the homework he missed last week.  The homework?  We will get it done.  I just wanted him to know I love him.

Lizzie was sound asleep (or so I thought.)  But, when I brushed the hair off her forehead, she woke up. I took her temperature (might as well, I thought) and kissed her goodnight.  But then, I asked if she wanted to sleep with us.  She was shocked.  Really?  Yes, really.  I wanted to hold her.  I did send her back to her bed as I quickly remembered how hard it is to sleep with that helicopter of a kid.

Jacob had laid in my bed earlier and talked about the musical that was approaching.  We were sharing our concerns and nerves.  As I checked on him later, he was cuddled in the fort he has built over his bed.  The dog was cuddled up on him.  I just looked and said a quiet love you.

I woke up Brian sobbing.  Reality had set in.  It could have been him.  It could have been my kids.  It could have been me.  There are no guarantees.  I cried and mourned.  I believe Brian thought I had lost my mind.  He comforted me for a few minutes and drifted back to sleep.

Finally, I felt my body readying itself for sleep.  I know that I can't live my life in fear.  I can't allow this tragedy to paralyze me.  After I mourned, I felt better.

Then, this morning, I got to play the part of a crazy choir director during our Children's Musical program.  My children will tell you that I was embarrasingly crazy.  For two scenes, I was off the stage.  I sat and listened to little voices singing.  I listened to beautiful proud voices coming from little children singing solos.  My eyes leaked again.  This time, I cried because of the beauty of it.  Little children singing their hearts out.  I also shed a few tears for those parents who won't hear their children sing in a program again.  I relished every minute of this morning.

Sitting in church and looking around, I was reminded this morning that it is not just families in Connecticut who will be mourning this Christmas.  It is everyone who has lost someone too early this year.  It is those parents who will pull out Christmas decorations made by a child who is no longer with them.  The parents who were excited to share the news of a pregnancy at Christmas but instead mourn the baby that was miscarried.  Both examples of a child who is gone way too early.

We are all asking what we can do to help those in Connecticut.  I am not suggesting we forget about them.  Pray?  Certainly!   Want to send money to help fund funerals?  Do it.  Want to send cards of encouragement or condolence?  Do it.  But please, remember those around you everyday who need a shoulder to cry on during this time.  A person to hug as they began to live the reality of the first Christmas without their child or other loved one.

I implore us all to celebrate Christmas stories that end up "neatly wrapped in bows" like the book's ending.  At the same time,  provide love and support whose Christmas' might not be wrapped as nicely.

Merry Christmas to you all and may God bless you.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

We collect Christmas ornaments.  It is crazy how many we have.  But as I have said before, they all have meaning to us.  We have a little of everything - homemade, Hallmark, antique, etc.  It takes us quite some time to get all the ornaments on, but it is like a party every year as we unwrap the ornaments and talk about where they came from and what they mean.  Our tree might not be perfect.  Might not be professionally styled.  It may be packed with ornaments.  But it is just the way we like it!

Lizzie hanging ornaments

 Jake gets in on the decorating

Brian and I got this ornament on our honeymoon TWENTY years ago this month!

Brian's mom makes us ornaments every year.  This is one of her cross stitched ornaments.

 One of my favorites that my grandma handpainted.

Another one of my favorites from my grandma

 Just one of the fun Hallmark ornaments we have.  Brian collects Santas and we love hot chocolate at this house so this one is just perfect!

 Our very full and complete tree.

And our stockings are hung.  The picture above the mantle was painted by my grandma.  The cross stitched stockings were all made by Brian's mom.   

Love Christmas because we celebrate the birth of Christ.  Also love it because it brings back such fond memories as we decorate.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Letter To Santa

Thanks to Macy's marketing, Lizzie is just sure that she has to mail her letter to Santa at a Macy's store! So, we will be heading to Macy's this week to send our letter.  I wrote a letter too.  I can't wait to see if we get a letter back saying if we have been naughty or nice.  I am hoping for nice! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We traveled to Fort Wayne for Thanksgiving.   It was a fun weekend filled with giggles, cousins, shopping, yummy food, and an all around fun time.

Brian looking quite manly holding Grandma Miller's purse and jacket and posing with Molly.  

Grandma and Grandpa Miller with some of the Great Grandkids.

Thanksgiving Day was a great day for golf cart and Gator rides.
Ben and Lizzie are quite the hams.

Hot chocolate and Uno - two of their favorite things at Dodo's

 Nothing say fun and giggling like indoor football/wrestling.

The Intimidator

Legos!  Another one of the favorite activities at Dodo's house

Ben and Molly
Aunt Molly getting in on the wrestling - well she was thinking about it at least.  Check out the two who have a hold of Zach's legs! 


Showing his momma some love!

Winding down and watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

More wrestling!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Then There Were Two

Today, Jacob played in the 5/6th grade Flag Football Championship game.  At the beginning of the season, I would have laughed if you had said that our team would be competing for the championship.  However, Jacob's coach was incredible.

I do not believe we have ever had a volunteer football coach who understand both kids and football like this coach did.  I give him huge kudos for a great season.  It is due to his coaching, that Jacob's team, the blue team, WON the game today.  

Congratulations to a great bunch of boys and coach.

Running the route
 Jacob snaps the ball and is ready to take off

Good game. . . 

The trophy

 The Blue Flag Football Team - 5/6th Grade Champions

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November: The Month of Thanksgiving

I have jumped on the Facebook bandwagon of stating one thing each day throughout the month of November for which I am thankful.

After reading One Thousand Gifts and contemplating what I am thankful for,  I realized that I am guilty of really focusing on thankfulness during this time of year.  Sure,  I am thankful for things and express  thanks to people at other times of the year.  But to really think deeply about what I am thankful for each day?  Nope.  I take way too much for granted.

That is a pretty sobering thought.  I cringe even writing those words.  After this realization, I am challenging myself to make a list over the next year of things I am truly thankful for.  My goal is to have at least one thing per day.  However, I do not want this to become a thing I HAVE to do.  Rather, I want it to be something that I do as a remembrance of all that I am blessed with.

If you want to join me in this challenge, I would love to have you along for the ride.  I will be posting about my journey at

More Flag Football

Jacob is REALLY enjoying flag football this year.  He is learning to be more aggressive on the field and has scored several times.  However, he does know his limitations. He told the coach that he would NOT quarterback no matter what.  He says he can catch but definitely not throw!  

Jacob snaps the ball

Jacob, on far right, tries to stay with his man

  He is open and they passed to him right after this shot.

Ready to rush

 Jacob snaps the ball and is ready to run

Getting a high five from coach after catching the ball for a two point conversion!

Trick or Treat 2012

Brian took the kids Trick or Treating this year.  They went with our dear friends, the Dysons.  The kids had fun going house to house in the neighborhood.  Then they went to Trunk or Treat.  They came home with a BUNCH of candy.

Jacob the ultimate couch potato Colts fan.

Lizzie the red crayon at the Storybook Parade at school.

Ready for candy!

Electricity Fair

Jacob had to participate in the "Electricity Fair" at school.  He chose to use a lemon as a battery to burn a small light bulb.  The project, in his words, epically failed.  They worked hard on it and tried several different coins, lights, wires, etc.  The light never did come on.

So, what did Jacob learn?  He learned that not all experiments work even when you follow directions.  He and Brian had a good time working on it and it was a good experience despite the "epic fail!"

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jack-o-Lanterns 2012

We carved our Jack-O-Lanterns last weekend.  While everyone was pleased with the final product, the "getting there" was hard.  Did you know that pumpkin "guts" are slimy?  Apparently Lizzie had forgotten that nugget of truth since last year!   

Brian rocks!  Master carver at work!

 "That looks GROSS!  I have to touch it?"

                     "SICK!!!"                             "Get over it, Lizzie!"

Jacob and Brian with the football pumpkin.

Lizzie and Brian with the smiley face.

Zach wasn't home but we painted a pumpkin in his honor.  His favorite phrase is "No me gusta."  It means, "I don't like this" in Spanish.  He says it ALL the time.  Often, he truly means it.  "Zach, empty the dishwasher please."  Shaking his head, he mutters, "No me gusta."  But he also uses it just to be silly.  "Zach we are having steak for dinner tonight."  Giving a smirk with a twinkle in his eye, "No me gusta!"  

When he returned home and saw his pumpkin he laughed.  He liked it!  We decided the pumpkins were saying "No me gusta" about being carved!

The final products.

They were so excited at how well they turned out.