Sunday, August 28, 2011


Brian's Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jeff were in "our neck of the woods," so they stopped by for a visit. It was great to have them here. We enjoyed visiting with them.

Lizzie and Aunt Kathy

Brian and his AuntLizzie and Uncle JeffThe entire crew - including Sadie.

Everyone Loves A Good Festival and Parade

On Friday night, Zach and some friends went to the local festival. Apparently he rode the "Hammer" (which I believe goes upside down) NINE times! He also rode the octopus and the scrambler. REALLY??? I got sick just thinking about it. But he and his friends had a great time!

On Saturday, Lizzie desperately wanted to go to the local parade. I desperately wanted to avoid that side of town at all cost! But, Lizzie and I went and she came home content and with a huge bag of candy!

I love living in a community where people still stand and respect the colors as they pass.

And no parade is complete without a tractor!
To bring up the rear of the parade was the Raminator.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School 2011-2012

And we are off!!! The school year has begun. Today was a 1/2 day and tomorrow we go all day. Everything went well today. Jacob enjoys his teacher and Lizzie enjoys her teacher and new school. We will see what everyone is saying by tomorrow at 3:45!

Zach came home with some Junior High "drama." Apparently the classes are getting so large that having them all in the cafeteria is becoming an issue. SO, they have instituted a program where the boys go out and have free time while the girls eat. Then, the girls go out while the boys eat. As you can imagine, this has put a wrinkle in many a junior high "relationship!"

Ready to head to school.
Jake (4th grade), Lizzie (1st grade) and Zach (8th grade)

Some fun with dad.
We were taking pictures when Lizzie's best friend, M, was driving by. They stopped so we could get a picture of them together. They are so much fun together!
Our back to the school year cake. This year, Lizzie loved helping make it. It looks rough, but the kids enjoy the tradition and it is fun!
Ready for some cake.
Well, we survived our half day. After school, we headed to a friend's house and swam. Lizzie FINALLY went off the diving board after coaxing all summer!! Tomorrow will be a long day for all of us. Ready or not. . .here we go!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One of my least favorite things

I love to take pictures. However, I despise having my picture taken. Why? Probably pride. I do not like the way I look. I know I don't look like I did in high school and college. A lot of my classmates from those times will see this.

I know I am overweight. Do I really need to immortalize that image for people to see? I think not! But, I am trying to get better about this all. This is who I am. I am working on the health and weight issues. So, here are some pictures from our church directory photo setting. This might sound crazy, but my stomach has butterflies just putting these pictures on here!

Lizzie (6), Zach (13) and Jake (9)
Trying to make me look angelic. Hey - all of you who know me - quit laughing!!!
Family picture. We look way too happy. I think this is one of those - everybody smile so we can get this done - pictures!

Ok, they are out here for everyone to see. My pride? Still working on that. Trying hard not to delete this post!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Children's Museum with Cousins

We made some awesome memories with cousins at the Children's Museum this summer. Not to mention all the time at the hotel and shopping! It was a great couple of days.

Mamaw - this sign is for you! Thanks for making the trip happen.
Living it up in Egypt
She was sooo ready to go at this point.
Mamaw and Brycen on the Carousel
Crazy cousins having fun at the hotel after a long day at the Children's museum.
Children's museum, swimming and then some "chilling out" time! Notice how tired everyone looks?
Swimming at the hotel - In the "big pool" as Kaitlyn called it.
Finally - a picture of all six of them and no one is running away or crying. Of course one of them is asleep! When we got there, I said that I wanted a picture of all six of them together come hell or high water. This picture was the absolute LAST thing we did before leaving the museum!
Finished the day with cotton candy.
Again - some crazy cousins. Love that girl!

More than meets the eye. . .
Katie was making sure her boat made it to the finish line.
Mamaw and Lizzie playing in the Dinosphere

Lizzie did not see a photo op that she didn't want to take advantage of.
Zach is not a Barbie girl but he is stuck in a Barbie world!
Kelsey in Dora's garden.
Check them out.
Zach was a great help with his little cousins. He and Katie were making constellations.
One of Batman's real capes.
Jacob is ready to deep sea dive to find some sunken treasure
Brycen is digging for artifacts.

The entire group in a dinosaur nest.
Lizzie is such a Paragi. She wanted to read, touch, look at and experience EVERY THING she could. She could have gone back another day and kept on reading and looking.
The Dinosphere - where several were scared by the darkness and noise.
What a great time! The kids are already making plans for next year. This time, it has been requested, that we stay MORE than just two nights. And they think it would be cool to try the hotel with the water park. And, maybe we can do the Children's Museum for two days. And, maybe we could tackle the zoo too. And. . . their list goes on and on! The main thing? They want to do it again! What a great time with family!

9 Years Later

Jacob turned 9 this July. Nine years ago I gave birth to a bright eyed little guy and the twinkle in his eye is still there today.

Jacob and his birthday cupcakes.

Video games always make a kid happy
Oooohhhh. . . Target card! What will he spend it on?
All the boys at the birthday party/sleep-over freeze mid-battle. Look closely, there is a little sassy girl in the middle of that mess!

6 Years - Where has it gone?

We celebrated Lizzie's SIXTH birthday this summer. Six year! Wow, time really has flown by.

Lizzie with her birthday cookies.
Think she is excited about this gift?
Littlest Pet Shops
Birthday party/sleep-over girls having a good time!
She loved the new accessories for her new bike
Happy Birthday, baby girl!