Sunday, December 19, 2010

Becky Kelley - Where's the Line to See Jesus - OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO

What an incredible song! I believe it is ok to celebrate Christmas with gifts and Santa. But let's not forget Jesus in all the "extras." Because without Him, we are just celebrating someone's birthday. But it is not just someone - it is the Messiah who died and rose again for us! Let's celebrate. Enjoy family, friends, gifts, but don't forget WHY we celebrate!

Christmas Program

Today, the children presented a Christmas Program at church. It was titled, "Sing a Song of Christmas." The kids did a great job talking and singing about the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ.

Lizzie was so excited to sing! She could hardly wait. Of course, when she got in front of everyone, she was nervous!
Jeff, our good friend and youth minister, introduces the program.
Jacob was a narrator. He had the "funny" lines and got some laughs. I was afraid he would totally freeze up, but he had his lines memorized and did a great job! He even spoke slowly enough for us to understand him!!

The older kids graciously agreed to be the "actors." Zach was a shepherd.
The entire crew!

It was great. I had many tears as I watched those little faces light up and those voices sing!! They were so proud of themselves and I am sure the angels in Heaven were rejoicing with the joyful noise!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Traditions

Last year, a co-worker was talking about the Christmas traditions they had as her girls were growing up. To this day, they talk about those times. I wondered, "What Christmas traditions do we have? What do the kids look forward to and remember year after year?" So, this year, as we began to get ready for the Christmas season, I listened closely to what the kids were talking about.

Sure there were many discussions about lists for Santa and things they wanted. But, what I heard the most was talk of putting the tree up together, shouts of excitement at seeing their favorite ornament again, arguments over whose stocking goes on what stocking hanger, and much talk about the Christmas village and how to make it perfect. And then, the kids asked when we were going to read the Christmas story together and put up the nativity followed by some hot cocoa.

Soon after, came the talk about all the traditions we have with our family in Indiana - Their excitement of seeing cousins, lasagna with Grandma and Grandpa Ellis, spending the night at Mamaw and Papaw's house, Santa's visit, opening presents with everybody on Christmas morning, staying up late on New Year's Eve and playing lots and lots of family games while drinking lots and lots of Big Red. They can't wait, and, quite frankly, neither can Brian nor I.

My heart smiled and my eyes teared up. We do have traditions in our family. Memories that I pray our children will cherish and share with their children.

Brian reads the Christmas Story
Our nativity that the kids set up as we read about the birth of Jesus.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fun in the Snow

The boys made the beginnings of an awesome fort. It even has a "crawl through" built in. Here is Jacob making his way through the tunnel.

The sledding crew. Brian and I took them all over to sled.
Check out Lizzie!! She is getting some major air. She hit that jump EVERY time but NEVER fell off her inner tube!
Having fun sledding.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Our entire family LOVES snow. That is one of the reasons Brian and I married in December. We dreamed of a white wedding. We got rain, but that is ok! Anyway, our love of snow has trickled down to the kiddos. They love to play in it. The boys even love to shovel - without being asked to do so.

When we woke up this morning to more snow than was predicted, we were all excited. The kids went right outside. My eyes "leak" when I watch them and see how much fun they are having and the excitement in their eyes - From the 12 year old right down to the 5 year old!

Jacob is shoveling away.
Zach was working on that driveway so he could make it to practice. He admitted that deep down he wished he could just stay home and play in the snow instead.
Lizzie trying to make a snow angel. She sank for a few seconds before she could start the "flapping."
"This is fun!"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lake of the Woods Fall Photo Shoot 2010

We took our yearly trek to the Botanical Gardens at Lake of the Woods for some picture taking fun. Well, I had fun. The kids don't really enjoy it, but we got some good shots anyway!

All three Paragi monkeys in a tree.
Lizzie (5), Zach(12) and Jake (8)