Thursday, January 29, 2009

Neighborhood House

I have always said I would love for our house to be the house where the kids like to hang out.  It sounds good in practice.  However, I must confess, that there are days when I get home from school, and I just don't feel like having three extra boys running, karate kicking, and playing in my house.  And as embarrassed as I am to admit this, more days than not, I would rather we not have extra bodies invading our home while I am trying to make dinner.

With that said, right at this moment, there are 5 boys playing basketball in our house.  They are playing so well together and having so much fun, that I feel very guilty that I sometimes say no to the extra company.  Hmm. . . now that I think about it - five boys + one nerf basketball + one hoop,  = chaos!  I think I had better go nominate myself referee!

I am really going to work on putting myself aside more often and letting this become what I always wanted - the neighborhood house.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow 5 boys! It can be hard, especially during the winter. It isn't so bad when it is warm and I can say OUTSIDE!!

What a blessing though that you are offering. They must like it at your house or they wouldn't be there. They feel comfortable there and who doesn't love that!

You are doing your part and someday I am sure you will really be rewarded! :)