Today was a day full of basketball for us. Zach had a game against a team that had beat Zach's team earlier in the season. They knew they had to go into it being aggressive and blocking out - butt to gut, as they say. Zach's team. the Magic, got off to a 11 to 0 start. But, the other team came back strong and ended up winning by 2.
As you can imagine, I had one surly 10 year old after that game. He came in, walked straight to the office, threw himself onto the couch, gave me the bare bones details, and proceeded to turn on college basketball and play PSP. Now that his wounds have had time to heal, he is in a little better of a mood.
Jacob had his first basketball game today. They do not keep score at his age. It is funny, because even there is no official score, the kids know who is winning or losing. As a matter of fact, when Zach got home, Jake told him, "We got skunked!"
His biggest fear for this year? Dribbling and walking at the same time. Here he is practicing before the game.

Practicing passing:

Brining the ball up the court during the game.
If they give an award for enthusiasm, Jake will probably win it. He had the best time running up and down the court and cheering on his teammates. He even made a basket - during warm ups, but hey he was happy with that!
Today was an emotional day for me. Brian was at an Elder's retreat for church, so he couldn't attend the games. Unfortunately, they were at the same time 40 minutes apart! So, Zach went with his coach and I had to miss his game. I felt very bad about that.
But, I had to go to Jacob's FIRST game! It was so much fun watching Jacob be excited and running like he did. Two years ago we tried soccer and he just cried and cried and said it hurt to run. We encouraged him to keep on. Little did we know that he had arthritis! Now, with the meds, stretching and exercise, he is doing great! I almost cried watching Jacob run and laugh! So between the guilt and the excitement, I was a train wreck!
To top off our losing streak - we watched our beloved Indiana Hoosiers get killed by the evil Illini! Now, all you Illinois fans can just reserve your comments, this is MY story!!!