Zach basketball team continues to improve. On Saturday, they won! Zach scored 8 points and had his game of the season thus far!
Zach has a chorus concert tomorrow night. He is SOOO not looking forward to it. But, he will be there. I think the thing he is disgruntled about the most is the directive that they must wear dress pants - no jeans! Maybe I will even be able to snap a pic or two when he is not looking!
Speaking of jeans, I bought Zach some tonight. You know the type, the ones that look like they have been washed, beat against the brick on the front of the house and then ran over by the car a few times!! Perhaps I exaggerate, but suffice it to say that I am sure some family members will comment on them at Christmas.
It has been fun watching Jacob lately. He is just growing and growing. His reading is improving by leaps and bounds daily, and he is getting so stinking smart. This week, he learned a new expression. On Saturday morning, he crawled in our bed and was bemoaning the fact that his daddy had not let them eat "dough" while I was gone the previous evening. I said he could have a little after lunch. He loves little bites of sugar cookie dough. Hearing this conversation, Brian piped in and said that he didn't know I let them do this, and thought Jake was pulling his leg. Jake looked up, raised his eyebrows, and opened his eyes wide. He exclaimed loudly, "I did NOT pull on your leg!"
Gotta go. . .big Wii bowling tournament awaits! I feel a win coming on! By the way, still don't know what to do for our anniversary!
1 comment:
Go Philisha, Go!!!! Win!Win!Win!
I looked it up there isn't one particular thing for the 16th aniversary but for the fifteenth is a watch for a modern gift or crystal for a traditional one. Then for the 20th the gift is platinum for the modern and china for the traditional. Obviously they weren't thinking of men when they made the list. Good luck with finding something.
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