Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Selling a House

You know, selling a house is a little like the dating process. You put on your best face and hope they don't see all the faults until you are married. All kidding aside, keeping a house ready to show on 30 minutes notice with three children has been challenging to say the least. I have become the crumb Nazi - is that a crumb on the floor? The kids aren't sure what to do with this new found obsession with cleanliness. They are still baffled when they ask about their clothes and I tell them to check their dresser or closet. What a novel idea! But, hopefully, this too shall pass soon, and we can go back to living like we're used to - walking around laundry baskets that are just waiting to be put away while eating some Wheat Thins and dropping crumbs everywhere. Sell house sell!!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I don't miss those days for nothing, and I only had one kid at the time. You have my sympathy!!