The kids woke up this morning begging to get in the pool. I knew it had to be freezing so I kept putting off my decision. Then I finally decided, "Oh well, who cares!" So, the kids suited up and went swimming. The air temperature was 85, but the water was only 74! They had a great time and swam until they were shivering!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
School's Out. . . School's Out. . .
Today was the last day of school. Both boys had parties and said their goodbyes. They had a great time but, like most years, I was teary eyed. I love seeing them grow and learn, but each spring I think about how they are one year closer to moving out. That makes me sad. . .then the fear sets in! I have only a few precious years with them to foster in them the tools they will need to be successful in life. So, I stop and pray that God will bless them as they grow and that God will help Brian and I to be the parents we are called to be! Then, I smile and try to enjoy the moment.
Tonight we are headed out to Olive Garden - a family favorite - to celebrate the end of the year. Then we are going to hit Barnes and Noble to pick up some summer reading.
Tonight we are headed out to Olive Garden - a family favorite - to celebrate the end of the year. Then we are going to hit Barnes and Noble to pick up some summer reading.

What a difference a school year makes!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Finally. . .Sunshine
The sun finally decided to shine for an entire day today! After Jake's ballgame, the boys and Brian were playing catch. When Elizabeth and I got home from shopping, she decided she wanted to take a shot at this baseball thing. Zach was the perfect big brother and spent forever teaching her how to catch the ball! Jacob was quite the encourager too! They had so much fun and they weren't fighting!!!! I don't which is the bigger miracle - the sun for an entire day or no fighting!

Big Brother Zach tosses the ball to Lizzie!

Jacob concentrates real hard on catching the ball
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Kindergarten Fun Day
Today was "Kindergarten Fun Day" for Jacob. They enjoyed a chilly, but nice, morning outside playing games. Jacob told me that "Fun day was the best day of my life!"
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Day in the Life
Some fun from the Paragi house:
Zach played the 'Fairy Godmother' in his group's Reader's Theater presentation of Cinder Edna. He did a great job! It was hilarious to see him acting and playing. He got a big applause from the boys in the room and many told him "You are a brave boy!!" I almost cried because I was laughing so hard.
Zach also played the urban bus driver who drove Cinder Edna to the ball. His favorite part was waving his fist and yelling "ROAD HOG!"

Jacob gives a big wave after a long afternoon of playing in the neighborhood - running, swinging, jumping on the trampoline, and eating popsicles. A successful day in his book! He picked out his own clothes today. Which, in simple terms, means that he opened his shorts drawer, grabbed the first thing he saw - in this case bright green soccer shorts. Then he opened the shirt drawer and grabbed the first thing he came to - a long sleeved thermal shirt! He saw nothing wrong with this combination.

Jacob gives a big wave after a long afternoon of playing in the neighborhood - running, swinging, jumping on the trampoline, and eating popsicles. A successful day in his book! He picked out his own clothes today. Which, in simple terms, means that he opened his shorts drawer, grabbed the first thing he saw - in this case bright green soccer shorts. Then he opened the shirt drawer and grabbed the first thing he came to - a long sleeved thermal shirt! He saw nothing wrong with this combination.

Elizabeth discovered "lippedstick." As you can tell, she applies it liberally. While I giggled when I saw her, I doubled over laughing when I saw Brian's face as he entered the house after work. Elizabeth tore off for the door screaming "Daddy, daddy I want to give you a kiss." I didn't know he could move that fast! He jumped out of the way to avoid "lippedstick" stained dress pants. But, then gently picked her up and gave her a peck - on the forehead!
They each have such different personalities and are so much fun! And that is a little from the day in the life of the Paragi house.
They each have such different personalities and are so much fun! And that is a little from the day in the life of the Paragi house.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Selling a House
You know, selling a house is a little like the dating process. You put on your best face and hope they don't see all the faults until you are married. All kidding aside, keeping a house ready to show on 30 minutes notice with three children has been challenging to say the least. I have become the crumb Nazi - is that a crumb on the floor? The kids aren't sure what to do with this new found obsession with cleanliness. They are still baffled when they ask about their clothes and I tell them to check their dresser or closet. What a novel idea! But, hopefully, this too shall pass soon, and we can go back to living like we're used to - walking around laundry baskets that are just waiting to be put away while eating some Wheat Thins and dropping crumbs everywhere. Sell house sell!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Good News/ Bad News Kind of Week!

This week has been one of those good news/bad news kind of weeks. And yes, I know it is only Tuesday!!
Good news: I was officially hired by the school board for next year!
Bad news: I have to take a college level English class. So, Parkland Online here I come. I hope to register for Comp II online. Shew. . .should be interesting.
Bad news: Someone wrote a threatening message on the bathroom wall at the high school referencing today.
Good news: Nothing happened today!
Bad news: Zach woke up with the stomach flu.
Good news: He and his daddy got to spend a lot of time together watching Sports Center and playing Scrabble.
Good news: Lizzie wore her "princess panties" to the babysitter's house for the first time today!
Bad news: She has the stomach flu too and had an accident!
Bad news: I think I could go crazy!
Good news: Brian is along for the ride with me! :>
With all that said, we are blessed beyond measure that this is all we are dealing with right now. Please join us in prayer for some friends who got some truly bad news recently - she has stage 3 lung cancer. And then, smile, look at the chaos around you and thank God for it!!
Monday, May 19, 2008

While I may compare 5 year old baseball to cat herding, Jacob absolutely loves it! He is very proud of the fact that he has NEVER had to use a tee. He can hit the ball when the coach pitches to him. He is most proud of the times that he "whacks it over his coaches head!!" Notice that he has on crocs and not tennis shoes. We are still working on that. Left to his own devices, he believes that crocs are for anything! From now on, when I say get your shoes on for baseball, I will have to be specific.
Like mommy. . .like baby!

Elizabeth and "Baby Pumpkin"
The kids got a "Mamaw Burton" package the other day. They love it when the mailman pulls into the driveway with a package for them. Elizabeth was particularly happy because she and her "Baby Pumpkin" got matching dresses. As you can imagine, she got lots of compliments on it at church. The boys were equally excited about their video games!
Hair today . . .gone tomorrow!
Now This is Baseball

It may not be the major leagues but this is much better than cat herding. I love to watch Zach play baseball. He loves the game and it is fun to watch your child do something he loves. "Da moms" sit around and discuss who will have to offer therapy after the game. You know, who will strike out to end the game, miss the pop fly, hit a kid with a pitch. They act like big bad 3rd and 4th graders but as soon as the van doors shut, the tears start flowing. Luckily, I did not have to provide therapy for Zach as he had a good game. Except that time he pitched and hit the kid in the head. Oh well. . .the ump told him that is what helmets are for!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Is this baseball or cat herding?

I love watching the boys play baseball. But I admit that T-Ball can, at times, be painful to watch. It often reminds me more of cat herding than baseball! But then I realize they are five and are probably supposed to be picking dandelions, looking under the bases for bugs, and fighting imaginary friends in the outfield. Oh yea, I can't forget the tackling of teammates while waiting your turn to bat. But...I wouldn't trade these evening for anything. If nothing else, it helps to remind me to not take life too seriously! Maybe next time I get stressed, I should pick a dandelion (a white one of course) and hit my friend in the head and smile!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Baseball Games and Port-A-Pottys

The only thing worse than watching your son get his first loss of the season is having to use the port-a-potty! Yuck!!! I tried and tried to wait, but something about downing an entire sweet tea (my current drug of choice) during the top of the first inning, caused me some problems. Oh well, I survived and my kids thought it hilarious that I actually had to use the "yucky potty!"
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Princess Elizabeth

No one can tell me there is not a difference between girls and boys. Elizabeth begged all day to wear her "Princess" dress. Finally, after church, lunch, and a trip to Indiana to pick up Zach, she was able to get into her dress. She had a great time hamming it up! She truly is our princess!
While she was prancing around in her princess outfit, Jacob was sobbing because he had to come inside for the night. He wanted to find more puddles to jump and flowers to "kill" with his light saber. More on that later! Zach was dribbling the ball and shooting hoops on the nerf hoop in the office. I hear that sound in my sleep!
But as I watched all three kids and observed their joy and their personalities, I realize I couldn't be more blessed! What a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day - surrounded by three wonderful children who are all living life to the fullest - one "cheese," jump and dribble at a time!
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