Today was the Children's Christmas Musical at church. I was all uptight because I didn't think it was going to be perfect. Then, as I took communion, I realized - it wasn't about perfection. The only perfection in the world is Jesus Christ. It is about glorifying Him. Doing the best for Him in His name.
The kids did a great job. They did glorify God with their voices, acting, and the message they presented through the musical! Very proud of them all!!
Jacob had a speaking part. He was Daniel, the city kid, who bemoaned being stuck in the "boonies" for Christmas without video games and TV. Rather appropriate, huh? Lizzie was in the choir and dressed as a country cousin. Zach helped in the sound booth and ran the music for us.
Again, I am so proud of ALL the kids who participated and the adults who worked so hard at putting it all together!
Introducing the children and the musical
The "city kids" and Uncle Yule
Granny, Country Cousins, City Kids and Uncle Yule

At this point, Jacob is sarcastically making fun of the "boonies!"
Now, that is one little cute country girl if I do say so myself!
Love this picture!! It is towards the very end of the musical. The choir was obviously getting tired and preoccupied with other things! :)