On Wednesday morning, Jacob had been fever free for over 24 hours and was so excited to go to school. But, then he tried to move. He couldn't even get down the ladder of the bunk bed. He was crying and saying he couldn't walk. So, immediately we thought his arthritis had flared up.
He was bummed that he didn't get to go to school. We got into the pediatric rheumatologist on Thursday morning - that in and of itself was amazing. Brian took him to the appointment (that is a story I will share later).
The news from the day was: it was a virus causing the pain, he needs to do some stretches daily for short cords in his ankles, BUT, he shows NO signs of arthritis! No degeneration, no range of motion issues due to arthritis, no debilitation!!!
He is off his naproxin and we do not have to go see the rheumatologist again unless something happens and Jake has a flare up.
So, are happy for our little firecracker. He has been through a lot with this arthritis - from not being able to walk, terrible pain, behavior issues related to that pain, steroids, naproxin, water therapy, blood tests, x-rays, ER visits, etc. And the fact that, for right now, he doesn't have to worry about those things, brings tears of happiness to my eyes.
I am praising God for a good doctor's report for him because as the song says "every blessing He pours out, I'll turn back to praise."