Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thank Goodness

Thank goodness for friends. I am still fighting this Paragi Plague, and am still generally miserable. This is also Brian's weekend to work. Since we don't live near family, we don't have the luxury of sending everyone to Grandma or Grandpa's house. So, I am very thankful for our friends who have volunteered or agreed to help me today. Zach caught a ride to his ball game with a great family, and my friend Tami is coming to get the younger ones so they can have a play date at her house and I can sleep. Yea!!!! I am having massive mommy guilt about not going to the game, and letting my kids eat chips, Dr. Pepper and candy as breakfast (that is all they could reach) while I was still asleep. But, in the long run, I guess it doesn't really matter, huh?

1 comment:

Spaghetti said...

There is a head teacher but she hasn't taken on that responsibility. She is acting as if she hasn't done a teachers responsibilty before. She keeps asking me how to do things that I have never done -like filling out progress reports and doing flex meetings. I guess I am use to someone being in complete control of everything it is hard to see someone in a lead role when she hasn't taken on that role yet.