Sunday, November 16, 2008

On the Mend?

Well, late yesterday afternoon, I caved in and went to the doctor. Actually, I sobbingly (is that even a word?) called a friend and asked her to drive me because there was no way I could either drive or wait till Brian got home. The doc prescribed me antibiotics for walking pneumonia. I am actually feeling a lot better today, but not even close to 100%. The fact that I am upright at the moment speaks volumes. My fever still hasn't completely broken, though. It is running about 100, but compared to the 103 all day yesterday, it feels very good!

The only upside to this? Chick flicks - lots and lots of chick flicks between naps.

1 comment:

Spaghetti said...

I am so glad that you went to the doctor. Hopefully you will be feeling better soon.