The day started off with Brian taking Lizzie to vote early this morning. He said she talked non-stop. She was excited because she got an "I Voted" sticker. Then at lunch I hit the polls. The boys were excited because they each got to vote in their respective schools. So, all members of the Paragi family have done their part in this election.
After school, we had parent/teacher conferences for each boy. They both went very well and we are very proud of them.
Then, after conferences, we decided to hit a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. As we were sitting there, Zach starts chilling and saying he doesn't feel well. Brian touches his back and says he is burning up. Then, not to be out done, Jacob says he doesn't feel well either. Another touch to the back, and yep, you guessed it, another warm kid. So, we gather our food up to leave and I go ahead and take the kids to the van while Brian takes care of the check. As I strap Lizzie in, Zach starts yelling something about puking. I look up and ask if he is going to get sick and he says "No, Jacob is!!!" So, without sharing nasty details, let's just say that Jacob's tummy "rearranged" itself right there in my van. And Lizzie, who is feeling just fine, was very loudly giving me all the play by play details of what was happening in the back seat.
Woo hoo. . . fun times at the Paragi house! Excuse me while I go Lysol down my house. . .