Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pet Peeves

Ok, this is my condensed list of pet peeves.  My list fluctuates by the day.  My opinions.  Sorry if you take offense.

1.  Seeing a girl's butt cheeks because her shorts are so short.  Seriously?  I don't want to see it anywhere, but it really bothers me when I see it at church!

2.  Seeing a guy's boxer shorts.   Again, seriously?   I would love to walk around with a bag full of completely ugly belts and have the authority to make any one who is showing their boxers wear one!

3.  When people think that you are lying about your child's injury.  No, I WANT my kids to be hurt.  NOT!  Sorry, we have had enough injuries, surgeries, diseases, etc thus far in life.  I would prefer not to add to it.

4.  People who see compassion as a sign of weakness.  All I can say to that is,  "Just wait until you are in a position in which a little compassion would help.  You might feel different then."

5.  When I am cooking and someone walks through the kitchen and asks me, "Are you sure you want to do it that way?"  Yes I am sure or I would have asked for your opinion or would be doing it a different way.

6.  People who say that I am closed minded because I do not believe the same thing as them.  However, when I try to talk to them, they refuse to engage in conversation.  Hmmm. . . they are open-minded and I am closed-minded?

7.  Watching a child or adolescent being picked on or made fun of by other children.  Then hearing a parent say that their child would "never talk bad about another child" when you know better.  Believe me,  our kids are just that, KIDS.  They all have the ability to be mean and cruel at times.  And never is quite a statement.

8.  When we feel that we need to make some profound statement when really all we need to do is hug someone and cry with them.  Telling someone who just lost a loved one that "God needed her in Heaven" is not helpful.  It is not profound.  Don't have words?  Don't try to come up with them.  Be there.

9.  When you tell a child to do something and their sibling repeats your direction just to make sure they heard you.

Hope I haven't pissed many of you off.  These aren't really directed at any one person or situation in particular.  Just my rambling thoughts and list of pet peeves for the day.

What are your pet peeves?  Maybe it is someone who blogs a list of pet peeves?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I agree with these!!! :)one.of my biggest pet peeves today.....why come to the ER for pain, then complain because your bones aren't broken.....seriously? Bones not being broken should be good news, right?