Friday, June 29, 2012

More Pool Time

People have been asking how my summer has been.  I always answer with a "great."  Then the follow up question is usually, "what have you been doing?"  I usually answer, "swimming!"  As you know my kids love to swim.  I think I can count on one hand the number of days at least one of my kids hasn't been in the pool - either ours or a friends. 

Jacob is most relaxed when he is in the water.

Lizzie and her good friend, M enjoying our pool

This was taken when Lizzie was just getting brave enough to swim in the deep without any flotation devices.

 After six ballgames in one day, Zach joined us at a friend's pool.  He jumped off the diving board a few times, played with everyone and then sat with a wet towel over his head to help cool off.

Not only are we just enjoying our time in the water, but we are all learning something as well.  I have been aqua jogging and learning appropriate form.  Zach is learning how to dive.  Jake is working on his diving style.  Lizzie has learned to swim in the deep.  She now jumps in with no noodle or floatie and swims to the side.  She also swims across the pool in the deep end!

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