Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life Returns to Normal

Well, Brian and Zach returned from their trip last Saturday. It was great to see them. Lizzie went running to her daddy and jumped into his arms. I wish I had a picture of that, but I was too busy talking with others who had gone on the trip!

We hung out and spent some family time on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, Zach had his first all-day babysitting job. He did well and was tired when he got home. Tuesday was school supply shopping and terrible heat. Wednesday we hung out and hit the library. Wednesday night, Zach had his second babysitting job. Then on Thursday, The kids went to Michigan with Mamaw and Papaw Burton for some fishing, beach time, boat rides, and smores!

Sounds like a lot, but it is just normal life! We are trying to pack in some fun these last few days before school.

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