Friday, December 11, 2009

MRI and Neuro Appointment

I had an MRI of my brain and my thoracic spine today with a follow-up appointment with the neuro later this afternoon. I do have some plaque on my thoracic spine that was not there in June. So, I now have plaque on my cervical and thoracic spine as well as abnormal proteins in my spinal fluid.

What does all that mean? Well, it means that I will start disease modifying therapy for MS after the first of the year. We will probably start with a drug that I have to inject into myself once a week. For those of you who know how terribly afraid I am of needles, just imagine my response to that!

My neurologist will still follow-up with Dr. Cohen at Northwestern. In his notes, my neuro said that "the patient appears to have a demylenating disease like MS." Why not go ahead and say for sure since I have met the markers? Well, since I have para-thyroid issues, an extremely high antistreptolycin result, and an enlarged spleen, there is still a very slight possibility that I might end up having some sort of "weird ass auto immune disorder." Yes, those were his exact words. :>

I am not overly optimistic that I will end up with an auto immune disorder. As a matter of fact, I don't know which would be better.

Bottom line? I will start treatment for MS and pray that the medicine we have chosen will work.

Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me, encouraged me, and loved me through this. I will be ok! God will not leave me and He has provided me with incredible friends and family to see me through anything - the good and the bad days!

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