Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our Newest Addition, Sadie

One of the most exciting things that has happened to us lately, is the addition of Sadie the puppy to our family.  She is a 5 month old rat terrier mix.  The kids adore her and she loves them!  Brian?  Well, he does not care for any dogs let alone one who lives here.  But, I am hoping that she grows on him!  The fact that she hasn't had any accidents in the house helps!

Isn't she cute?
What is with all the pictures?

Jacob loves to "wrestle" with Sadie.  And Sadie loves to lick him until he is laughing so hard he can't talk!
She also loves to cuddle with Zach on the couch and watch him play his PSP.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I understand...Eric isn't a pet lover either...good luck trying to hope they'll bond!