In three hours on a Saturday morning. . .
Number of innings playing catcher: 7
Number of runs scored by our team: 23

Getting the Minor League Championship Trophy: Priceless!!
Boy. . . that pretty much sums up our morning. Zach's game started at 8:30 and finally finished at 11:30. He caught all 7 innings, and was worn out this afternoon, but recovered fairly quickly when he found out he didn't have to go shopping with me!!!
I have thought about how I could explain the game, and I am not sure I can do it justice, but I'll try. Here goes. . .
The first five innings were roller coasters. Then, in the top of the sixth, we took a 1 run lead. The other team scored to tie it and had the go ahead runner on third. Long story short, Zach's team turned a double play and on we went to the 7th inning.
In the 7th inning, Zach's team scored 10 runs. In the bottom of that inning, they held the opposing team to 2 runs and got away with an 8 run win!!!
All I can say is that it was one heck of a roller coaster ride for the kids and their fans!!!
Shew. . .

Getting the Minor League Championship Trophy: Priceless!!

I have thought about how I could explain the game, and I am not sure I can do it justice, but I'll try. Here goes. . .
The first five innings were roller coasters. Then, in the top of the sixth, we took a 1 run lead. The other team scored to tie it and had the go ahead runner on third. Long story short, Zach's team turned a double play and on we went to the 7th inning.
In the 7th inning, Zach's team scored 10 runs. In the bottom of that inning, they held the opposing team to 2 runs and got away with an 8 run win!!!
All I can say is that it was one heck of a roller coaster ride for the kids and their fans!!!
Shew. . .