Six years later and we are still here. A lot has changed but we are hanging on and loving life at the Paragi house.
So... what has been happening?
TIS Bookstore closed and Brian changed careers after 24 years doing what he loved. After a stint traveling and selling sportwear, he decided it wasn't for him. Brian stepped out in faith and was transparent with his men's Bible study. He shared that he was feeling down and was looking for a job. Someone in group reached out to him and the next thing you know Brian is starting his new career as a at Prudential. He passed the required licensing test pretty quickly and passed "the big one" the following year. He is now a Financial Advisor. It took some time, but he now feels like this is his new work home and is comfortable there.
Philisha has come full circle. She was a reading interventionist for 13 years. Last year, she went back to special education. Due to COVID and her auto immune disorder, she was a remote only teacher last year for students K-5 with special needs. It was a crazy year, but she learned a lot and made it through. This year, she is a special education teacher as a cross cat teacher. She is enjoying the challenge and is learning something new everyday. Over the last six years, Philisha's MS has been active. She had one true relapse that resulted in her changing disease modifying meds. She now takes Ocrevus which is an all day infusion twice a year. It seems to be working and she loves only having to deal with it two times a year.
Zach is now a branch manager at First Financial Bank in Mahomet. That isn't the big news though... he has found the one he wants to spend his life with and is now engaged!! He and Josie are planning a wedding for next fall. Over the last year, they also bought a house and completely updated it. It is an adorable house with a barn which houses their two pygmie goats. They also purchased a camper that they keep at Coho Bend in Michigan where they camp and fish. Oh... and they have added two cats to their household as well.
Zach invited us and all of Josie's family to be there when he proposed. Such a special day!
She was surprised and said YES!
The cakes say "He asked..." "She said yes!"
One of the pygmie goats.
Engagement pics
So sweet
Jake is attending college with dreams of becoming a social worker. From the outside looking in, we are excited as it seems like a perfect fit for his personality and skill set. He is also working as an assistant manager at a local coffee shop - Yo-Yo's. He enjoys it and is doing great there. He likes to remind us frequently that is is taking a full course load and working full time. Just in case we forgot how hard he is working - ha!

Ready for poker night.

That smile is contagious.
Lizzie is a junior this year. She recently received her 2nd academic letter. She is in her 4th year of 4H and each year she has earned a trip to state fair in at least one of her projects. Lizzie is excitedly looking forward to a trip to Ecuador this summer with school. She has been working hard babysitting and doing other odd jobs to make money for the trip.

Earning her 2nd Academic Letter.

Homecoming dance - juior year.
This past year has been a year of fun and trips. Zach and Josie traveled to Tennessee where they zip-lined, rode horses, and enjoyed the beauty of the area. They also enjoyed a few trips to Michigan where they had some down time and caught some big fish.
Jake went to Lalapalooza this past summer. While mom spent most of the time worrying about him, he had a great time, saw some of his favorite artists and was safe. He went back to Chicago for a comedy show and then traveled to Mizzou a few times to visit friends.
Brian, Philisha and Lizzie joined Darrell and Karen on a trip out west. They visited the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Blackhills, and all the fun things in between.

Brian, Lizzie and Philisha at the Badlands.

It was so cool.

Devil's Tower in Wyoming.
Brian and Philisha borrowed Zach and Josie's camper over the 4th of July and visited Sue and Jim in Michigan. Watching the fireworks over Lake Michigan was awesome.
The boats on Lake Michigan ready for the show.
Such a fun show. Part of the excitement was just getting to be out and around people again.