We made some awesome memories with cousins at the Children's Museum this summer. Not to mention all the time at the hotel and shopping! It was a great couple of days.
Mamaw - this sign is for you! Thanks for making the trip happen.
Living it up in Egypt
She was sooo ready to go at this point.
Mamaw and Brycen on the Carousel
Crazy cousins having fun at the hotel after a long day at the Children's museum.

Children's museum, swimming and then some "chilling out" time! Notice how tired everyone looks?

Swimming at the hotel - In the "big pool" as Kaitlyn called it.

Finally - a picture of all six of them and no one is running away or crying. Of course one of them is asleep! When we got there, I said that I wanted a picture of all six of them together come hell or high water. This picture was the absolute LAST thing we did before leaving the museum!

Finished the day with cotton candy.

Again - some crazy cousins. Love that girl!

More than meets the eye. . .


Katie was making sure her boat made it to the finish line.

Mamaw and Lizzie playing in the Dinosphere

Lizzie did not see a photo op that she didn't want to take advantage of.

Zach is not a Barbie girl but he is stuck in a Barbie world!

Kelsey in Dora's garden.

Check them out.

Zach was a great help with his little cousins. He and Katie were making constellations.

One of Batman's real capes.

Jacob is ready to deep sea dive to find some sunken treasure

Brycen is digging for artifacts.

The entire group in a dinosaur nest.
Lizzie is such a Paragi. She wanted to read, touch, look at and experience EVERY THING she could. She could have gone back another day and kept on reading and looking.

The Dinosphere - where several were scared by the darkness and noise.

What a great time! The kids are already making plans for next year. This time, it has been requested, that we stay MORE than just two nights. And they think it would be cool to try the hotel with the water park. And, maybe we can do the Children's Museum for two days. And, maybe we could tackle the zoo too. And. . . their list goes on and on! The main thing? They want to do it again! What a great time with family!
should I mention that Lizzie's dress is actually her 3 year old cousin's??? :)
Sure! I can't believe I forgot to mention that!!!
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