Zach's room is VERY close to being completely done. All we need is the IU insignia painted on the floor, some trim work and curtains or blinds. Even with these few things left, Zach is enjoying his room immensely. And Jake is enjoying his own room as well! Next stop? Helping Jacob make his room "HIS!"
Zach hung this himself. He is such a Paragi. He had a level out to see if it was perfectly level!

Dad hung a basketball goal for him. Now we have to get a net.

Zach waiting around for his dad to get the hoop up!

Lizzie loves to crawl up on the ledge and leave Zach notes.

This poor dear died to be a Yankees bat holder?

His own closet! Now he can't blame Jacob for any messes.

Done except for the projects mentioned above.

As soon as he could, he moved his desk down there and it became his "haven." Even without a bed or anything else.

Getting so close . . .

First coat of red.

Mudding - yuck! What a mess.

Brian had no idea Zach was doing this. It was great.

Priming the walls

Working on the lights

Painting the closet

The closet is studded out and the transformation began!

It has been interesting to see this area transformed into a room. After all the last minute stuff is complete, we are going to tackle the plumbing.
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