This was first posted on Facebook under notes.
I have been saying for over a year now, that I may have MS, but it doesn't have me. For many aspects of my life, that is true. But, I realize that there is at least one area in which MS was controlling me. Since I was diagnosed, I let my physical limitations (or perceived limitations) keep me from physical exercise.
In February, after a doctor's visit, I realized that I wasn't taking shots every week for my MS just so I could kill myself in other ways. So, I set a goal. I was going to train and walk/jog the Illinois Marathon 5K. I was doing well but my left foot started dropping as my leg became fatigued. I started using kinesio-tape to help with that. While it helped, I had to quit jogging. But I kept on walking. However, being outside in the humidity is not good for my MS, and some days I did an indoor walking program. Not knowing what the weather would bring during the Illinois 5K and not knowing how my foot would be doing, I did not register.
I was in quite a mood the day of the race. I felt like I failed. I did not reach the goal I had set. But, then I realized, that I really had met that goal. I can walk 3.3 miles in the time I set as my goal. So, I may not have the bib and medal, but I DID IT!! I went from being a couch potato in February to power walking and meeting my goal time. What now? I am setting a new goal time, and I am going to keep walking until the weather forces me inside for good. On those days, I will use the indoor walking program. We have also started looking for a treadmill for the basement where it stays nice and cool through the summer and where I will be safe from ice during the winter!
And who knows, maybe this fall or next winter I will just do that 5k!
Because of my foot drop and fatigued legs, I knew it was time for new running shoes and some good sandals. So, I purchased my first pair of Merrell sandals - LOVE THEM! Since I am not jogging but strictly running, I opted for walking shoes this time around. The ones I purchased are rated as one of the best walking shoes by Consumer Reports. But, I have to say - they are ugly! I have never spent so much money on something so ugly! But, I guess if they do the job of keeping my toes up while walking, then I will forsake beauty for practicality.
Told you they were UGLY! :)

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