The PTO sponsored a movie night last night. Students k-5 and their parents were invited to the high school to watch Toy Story 3. The students were invited to wear their pj's and to bring their sleeping bags and popcorn bowls. Lizzie, her friend, M, and I went. The girls had a giggly good time!
But first, M came over to play after school. What did the girls choose to play? School of course!
M painting a picture at "school"

All ready to get started!

At this point, the girls were saying - We want the movie to START!

All spread out and ready to watch

The girls BEGGED to play some more after the movie. We told them another time. M was asleep five minutes after getting home. Lizzie went right to bed, but cried saying she was so tired but just couldn't sleep. Poor girl was WAY overtired. I gave her a book and when I checked in on her a few minutes later, she was sound asleep laying on page 4 of Pinkalicious!
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