12 years ago Zach was born! Geez, has it really been 12 years already? We celebrate his life and who he is and we thank God for the young man he is turning in to. In the privacy of our bedroom, Brian and I reminiscence about his birth and all the emotions we felt. We usually share some tears, then we smile as we think about our tweener and all the giggles he brings us now!
It is getting hard to believe he started like this! Seems just like yesterday but at the same time seems like a lifetime ago!

And has grown into this. He is loving his new candy striped IU warm up pants!

Sporting his new phiten

No way - a membership to the golf course?

Brian and Zach tried out that new pass, golf shoes and IU golf accessories and golfed nine holes.

I know very little about golf. But that looks like a decent follow through considering he has a cast?

Loving it!

Brian enjoyed spending time with Zach. The golfing? Well let's just say it is not a stress reliever for him! :>

Wonder what he is wishing for! Better yet, do I want to know? Probably something to do with a girl.

Geez. . . 12?!?!?

Happy Birthday to Zach. We are proud of you and love you!