Friday, January 8, 2010

Help: Life with a Tweener Question!

We had some dear friends over tonight for dinner and visiting. We also exchanged Christmas presents with them. We had a great time. However, while Zach played with the kids downstairs, he started acting weird before we exchanged presents and I couldn't figure it out. He was very excited about his gift - a Dick's Gift Card because he told me about it several times. However, he was very quiet. I couldn't figure him out. Then it dawned on me. He has a ball game tomorrow. Every night before a game, he gets super quiet and nervous. He often asks me for melatonin or benadryl to help him sleep. He didn't ask for them tonight, but did confide in me that he was starting to freak out a little.

The question is this: What do I do to help him deal with this anxiety/nervousness? He completely gets his underwear in a knot about these games. Sometimes to the point of having facial tics from the nerves. Any suggestions?

Please don't say anything to him about this as it will only embarrass him. I want to help him, not cause him more grief.

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