Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Addiction

Ok, I am not sure what the technical word for it is, but Brian and I LOVE books. One might even say that purchasing books is an addiction for us. We were very excited to buy these awesome new bookcases that stores most of our collection. Actually most of these books are Brian's and we had to lay them out and organize them by topic before we could put them on the shelves. Oh yea, we also weeded out some books - six boxes! Our hope is that they will take them at Hyde Brothers (an INCREDIBLE used bookstore in Fort Wayne, Indiana) and we can get some more books in exchange. Just what we need - more books!

And yes, we realize that part of our Ansel Adams is covered. We are deciding where we want it in the room before we take it down. That is the next project. Will it ever end?

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