Thursday, June 11, 2009


Wow, Lizzie has been a bratzilla lately!  Don't know what is up with that!  Here are but a few examples:

Lizzie:  I'm getting on Jacob's bed (which happens to be the top bunk).
Me:  No, you have to be at least 6 to be up there.  
Lizzie:  Yes I am (as she looks at me and starts walking down the hall)
Me:  Lizzie, I am serious.  You can not get up there.  You may fall and hurt yourself.
Lizzie:  I'm doing it!!!!!  (As she runs down the hall)

Me:  Lizzie what is wrong with you?  (as she lays in the hall kicking and screaming something incoherently)
Lizzie:  I am mad!!!
Me:  What's wrong?
Lizzie:  My eyes will not water when I cry!
Me: That's because you are not really crying, just throwing a fit!
Lizzie:  I AM CRYING !!!!!!  (Kicking and stomping inserted here!)
Me:  If you don't stop that, I will make your eyes water!!!!!

Lizzie:  OWWWWW. . . Jacob that hurt!
Me:  What happened? (Thinking Jacob hurt her)
Lizzie:  I jumped off the couch and it hurt when I landed!
Me:  Speechless because I didn't think a three year old would understand - Here's your sign!!!

And for all of you who just can't imagine Lizzie crying or throwing a fit:

I love this little diva!  I think she is just testing the waters and trying to see if the rules still apply during summer break.  She is finding out that yes, indeed, they do!

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