Sunday, February 1, 2009

Steelers Win!!!

Today started out like any other Sunday with Sunday school and church followed by lunch out with friends.  

Brian and Zach showed their "colors" at church today.

After lunch, we got ready for the Super Bowl.  I have to say that there was way too much 
pre-game and I was glad when the game finally started.

Zach gets ready to eat some "Steelers yellow and black" mint pie and doesn't have to share with Aunt Molly!

TOUCHDOWN!!!!  Well, it was and then they overturned it!  But, it was a score anyway!!

Brian said "Where is my terrible towel?"  He grabbed Lizzie's bean bag and started waving it.  You can see the towel flying towards him as Zach tossed it.


These two are completely crazy! 

We are the champions!

Ok, the question remains - where are Lizzie and Jacob in all these pictures?  Well, Jacob couldn't sit still to watch the entire game.  He was in the office playing and would occasionally run through the room and say GO CARDINALS just to see if he could get a reaction.  And Lizzie was just jumping around yelling "Go Steelerers!"  It was pretty funny.  

Ok, so I need to tell you how Brian got his Terrible Towel.  When he worked in Bloomington, he brought Dick Vitale in for a book signing.  A college student asked Dick who he thought was going to win the Super Bowl that year, and Dick replied Dallas.  The kid told him no way and gave Dick the towel.  Then as the signing was wrapping up, Vitale gave the towel to Brian.  

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