Wow! I would love to be able to say that this has been a roller coaster of a week. However, that would insinuate that there were some "up" times along with the low times. And I can honestly say that the lows way out numbered the highs this week.
It started on Monday when it was announced that my position is a victim to the RIF (Reduction in Force) process. Essentially, I will be getting a pink slip in April due to uncertainty of the amount of money we will receive through a grant. While there is hope that grant money will come through and I will be back to work full time in August, there is not a guarantee at this point. One high point of the week is that the administration has been nothing but kind throughout the entire thing and I am not worried about it. This is one of those times when there is no point worrying as it is all out of my control. Besides compared to the rest of the week, this was easy news!!
Later in the week, one of my co-workers and friend's mother passed away. Then, one of our favorite substitute teachers lost her husband rather quickly to cancer after an initial diagnosis just weeks earlier. Another of my friends from school is experiencing the loss of her mother as well. Her kidneys have shut down and it is simply a matter of time as I understand it.
Arriving home this afternoon, I was ready for the week and all the bad news to be over. However, I arrived to a message from my sister that my grandma (who is in the hospital with a small fracture in her pelvis) also has a broken hip. They transfered her to a larger hospital where they will probably attempt surgery. The fear is that her heart might not be strong enough to withstand the anesthesia and surgery itself.
So, I got out the iPod, went outside to clean out the van and thought. And thought and thought and thought. And I kept coming back to this. . . cherish those things that seem insignificant. Cherish those times and wrap them in your heart as memories to help you through times like these. So, I thanked God for those moments He has allowed me to experience. Those moments that will carry me through weeks like this. Those moments like. . .
Watching my grandma and grandpa with all their great-grandchildren.

Lazy nights, popcorn and movies.

Being silly with Dodo.

Family game night!

My Diva queen and all the drama she brings to this house.

The excitement that shows up on Jacob's face when he sees the moon while it is still daylight.

Watching the sunset from our front window.

The look on the kid's faces when they truly enjoy something!

Of course there are many more - but this little start helped me through tonight!