The MSJH 8th Grade Basketball Team!

Having grown up in southern Indiana, I love basketball. Imagine my excitement when I realized that Zach shared that excitement for the sport I love. I have fond memories of being at high school games - cheering the team on, playing in the pep band, keeping stats - all that good stuff.
Last year, he was on the 7th grade team and had a good year. I relived the good old days (minus the pep band) while cheering on the team (too loudly at times according to Zach) and keeping stats.
At the end of the season, however, he said he was NOT going to try out in 8th grade. You can only imagine what that did to the heart of a good ol' southern Indiana gal when she heard that news. I was relieved to find out that both Lizzie and Jake wanted to play rec league basketball. At least I had that to look forward to!
Eighth rolled around and lo and behold, he is trying out. And . . . he made the team. A week and a half into practice, he hurt his hip. It kept aggravating him to the point that he could barely walk and was in tears. Off to the doctor we went.
To keep a very long story, about many many doctors appointments short, I will just say that it appears that he has a severely pulled or torn groin muscle. He was on crutches for a week, and is now well enough to hobble around without them. The doctor today said four more weeks without PE or basketball and then we will re-evaluate. BUT, if he feels like he can go back sooner, we are to go in and have the doc evaluate him to see if it is actually wise for him to do so.
My heart is very heavy for him. Now, I realize that it is all about perspective. Compared to what some others in our lives are going through, this is tiny. But to him, this is a big thing. He knows it could be worse. He knows that others are going through terrible things, but it still doesn't take away his frustration and anger of not being able to play a sport he loves. Nor does it take away his physical pain.
So, what do we do? Keep on working on healing that leg all the while attending games and cheering on those 8th grade Bulldogs! Zach? He sits the bench in his street clothes, helps take stats, cheers on his teammates at practices and games and hopes he gets to go back to practicing soon.
All dressed for the day of the first game. I love that they have to wear shirt, tie, dress pants and shoes on game days. They look very sharp. Again, must be that ol' fashioned Southern Indiana girl in me coming out. The boys dressed up on game days when I was in school too.

Zach and coach were talking strategy.

8th Grade Bulldog Invite Champions! Zach cheered them on from beginning to end!

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