Thursday, February 10, 2011

I recently attended the National Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Conference. Like any conference, some of the sessions were great and others were a bust. I watched as some around me grew into a frenzy of excitement about all they were learning. I realized that I used to be like that. But, something has changed. Literacy and teaching are not all I am about anymore.

Sure, I still enjoy learning and trying new strategies as I work with students who struggle. I enjoy reading the research behind how the brain functions. I love my job working with the kindergarten students. But that does not define me. I am not just "a teacher." I am much more than that.

Some would say that since I do not "live" for teaching anymore that I have lost my passion. That is not true. I am still passionate about the students I work with. It is just that now I am passionate about more than just teaching.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I would have loved to have gone had I known you were going. Next year call me and I'm sure we'll have a blast!