Zach's seventh grade basketball season has come to a close. We enjoyed watching and cheering the team on. They lost in their second game of the regional. Of course, they were disappointed. Here are some pictures from the final few games.
Zach takes one of two. He made it - shew!

I'm not sure what is going on here. I think he was on a break away and watching for a pass.

At the end of the game this is how he looked. Seriously? It was a bbbaaaadddd game all around and the score reflected it.

We had a pasta dinner for the boys the night before regionals started. Carb up, boys!

Playing point at regionals.

Up the court we go.

I have to admit that I was very excited when Zach made the 7th grade school team. But, then I also have to admit, that I was very nervous for him every game. I always thought I could be one of those laid back moms who just take it all in stride. Ummm. . . wrong.
I became one of those moms who would cheer from the stands, "Let's go Bulldogs!" I would occasionally even give some direct orders - "Protect that ball Zach!!!!!" And on the way home, I was known to give some feedback on the game. Gulp - I became one of "those" mothers!
More than anything though, I was proud of him. He saw something he wanted - to make the team. He worked hard to get there and he persevered through a tough season. All in all, it was a good experience for us all. We cheered with him, cried with him, laughed with him, and breathed a deep sigh of relief when it was over. Free time? We were about to again find out what that was like.
And then. . . baseball started a week later!