Traditionally, we spend the night at my mom and Jim's on Christmas Eve and awake to surprises from Santa. This year was no different.
On Christmas Eve, Mamaw. Lizzie and Jake get ready to spread the "Reindeer Food."

Spreading out the reindeer food among the falling snow!

Zach gets an awesome docking station

Jacob is just a little excited

Lizzie too

Katie and Lizzie showing off their cheerleading uniforms and their "poses!"

Papaw Wellman with a very frilly, but cute, Kelsey

Katie, Jake, Kelsey, Zach and Lizzie

Mamaw and Papaw Wellman with their great grandkids.

Steph, Brycen and John, my "little" brother!

And what exciting Christmas day would complete without a "cousin sleepover" with popcorn and a movie at Mamaw's house?

1 comment:
Kelsey's little bald head in shining in the sleep over picture!! poor baby!
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