Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Highs and Lows of Life

This past week has been full of highs and lows.

We are on a high when we returned from meeting my nephew.

We are on a low when Lizzie started vomiting that night.

Another high...Lizzie is better.

Low...Jacob started vomiting.

High...Jake is great

Low...Brian has it.

High...Philisha gets to go to work for a full day and a half.

Then the lowest of our lows Mamaw Wellman passed away.  I am not sure that I have the words yet to describe that feeling of low.

Then another low...the morning we are to leave for Indiana Zach gets ill.

However, while continue to sting with the low of losing my grandma, we experienced some highs.

Seeing and playing with cousins.

Visiting with family we don't see often.

Seeing friends from "way back when."

Last night brough the highest of highs we have experienced over the past week and a half.

We attended Zach's Fall Sports Banquet.  Each team gives out a "Bulldog Award" to one of the players.  The winner of the Bulldog Award exemplifies what it means to be a Bulldog - character, sportsmanship, leader, true team player, etc.

Zach received that award last night as well as recognition for being all conference.  He received the same award last year.  Last year they talked about how he never quit being a team player and leader even though he had a season ending injury.  I cried then thinking of how his season was cut short and the character he showed through it.

Last night, I held back tears as I heard coach relay a comment from an assistant coach regarding Zach.  He said, as he pointed to Zach, "I wish I had five of him."  To me that is one of the highest compliments you can give my child.  They recognize his character, leadership, athletic ability, coachability and much more.  I see those things in him daily.  It is nice to know that others notice as well.

We are proud of Zach.  Because he won an award?  No!  Because of the man he has become.  One full of integrity, character, Christ-likeness and leadership.  We are proud of him because he is that person when people aren't looking as well as when they are.  We are proud becuase of his concern for his teammates and others.  We are just flat out proud and excited to see where life will take him in the next few years.  

Receiving the Bulldog Award from Coach Gwinnup for the 2nd year in a row. 

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